Hello all, 

Thinks look different if one uses push-pump pumps rather than simply 
upwelling of nutrients. The upwelled DIC becomes insignificant compared to 
the DOC pushed down. Some of you may recall this argument from my GLOBAL 
FEVER book from the Univ of Chicago Press, but the following is an excerpt 
from my THE GREAT CO2 CLEANUP, chapter six: 

Plowing Under a Carbon-fixing Crop 

To avoid competing with the world’s food production and supplies of fresh 
water, most sequestered carbon must come from new biomass grown in new 
places. Here I explore how paired ocean pumps might uplift nutrients and 
then sink the new organic carbon back into the ocean depths. 

Instead of sinking only the debris that is heavy enough to settle out, as 
in iron fertilization, we would be using bulk flow to sink the entire 
organic carbon soup of the wind-mixed layer (organisms plus the 
hundred-fold larger amounts of dissolved organic carbon) before its carbon 
reverts to CO2 and equilibrates with the atmosphere. 

The CO2 later produced in the depths by the sunken carbon soup will reach 
the surface 400-6,000 years later. Smearing it out over that period greatly 
reduces the damaging peaks in ocean acidification and global fever. 


If we fertilize via pumping up and sink nearby via bulk flow (a push-pull 
pump), we are essentially burying a carbon-fixing crop, much as farmers 
plow under a nitrogen-fixing cover crop of legumes to fertilize the soil. 
Instead of sinking only the debris that is heavy enough, we would be 
sinking the entire organic carbon soup of the wind-mixed layer. 

Algaculture minimizes respiration CO2 from higher up the food chain and so 
allows a preliminary estimate of the size of our undertaking. Suppose that 
a midrange 50 g (as dry weight) of algae can be grown each day under a 
square meter of sunlit surface, and that half is carbon. Thus it takes 
about 10-4 m2 to grow 1 gC each year. To produce our 30 GtC/yr drawdown 
would require 30 x 10+11 m2 (0.8% of the ocean surface, about the size of 
the Caribbean). 

But because we pump the surface waters down, not dried algae, we would also 
be sinking the entire organic carbon soup of the wind-mixed surface layer: 
the carbon in living cells plus the hundred-fold larger amounts in the 
surface DOC. Thus the plankton plantations might require only 30 x 10+9 m2 
(closer to the size of Lake Michigan). 

The space requirement will be more because downpumps will not capture all 
of the new plankton; it might be less because the relevant algaculture 
focuses on oil-containing algal species and on harvesting a biofuel crop, 
not on plowing under the local species as quickly as possible. The ocean 
pipe spacing, and the volume pumped down, will depend on the outflow needed 
to optimize the organic carbon production. [The chemostat calculation FYI.] 
Only field trials are likely to provide a better estimate for the needed 
size of sink-on-the-spot plankton plantations, pump numbers, and project 

Though ocean fertilization is usually proposed for low productivity regions 
where iron is the limiting nutrient, another strategy is to boost the 
shoulder seasons in regions of seasonally high ocean productivity. For 
example, ocean primary productivity northeast of Iceland drops to half by 
June as the nutrients upwelled by winter winds are depleted. Continuing 
production then depends on recycling nutrients within the wind-mixed layer. 
However, to the southwest of Iceland, productivity stays high all summer. 

Because not all of the new plankton will be successfully captured and sunk, 
fertilization will stimulate the marine food chain locally. Most major 
fisheries have declined in recent decades and, even where sustainable 
harvesting is practiced, it still results in fish biomass 73% below natural 
levels. At least for fish of harvestable size, there is niche space going 

Locating the new plankton plantations over the outer continental shelves is 
more likely to supply a complete niche for many fish species, whereas 
deep-water plantations will lack variety. (The main commercial catch in 
deep water is tuna.) Also, down-pumping near the shelf edge would deposit 
the organic carbon in the bottom’s offshore "undertow" stream, carrying it 
over the cliff onto the Continental Slope into deeper ocean. 

Note that pumps would be tethered to the bottom so that the ocean currents 
are always creating a plume downstream: a plume of fertilizer near the 
surface and a second plume of carbon soup in the depths. (Pumping up from a 
different depth than pumping down will prevent the interaction that 
characterizes the oceanographers’ box models.) While the water might come 
back around in a thousand years, the plumes for the clean-up will only be 
about twenty years long and well diluted by that time. 

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