Article below. The usual suspects and viewpoints, e.g. :

"Pulling vexing carbon emissions straight from the sky might become an 
important way to keep climate change in check. As pilot projects move forward, 
the prospect of capturing carbon dioxide from the air is growing increasingly 
plausible, though it may be some time before the technology, the demand and the 
costs align to make a dent in global emissions."

To review, pulling those pesky carbon emissions straight from the sky already 
annually consumes 55% of our emissions for free, and the absolute quantity of 
this "DAC" is (lucky for us) increasing:
If one is interested in further "denting" global emissions, perhaps the first 
thing to do is to figure out how to additionally 
accelerate/enhance/modify/engineer these existing, highly successful systems, 
rather than ignoring nature and designing a new air capture process from the 
ground up.

"....for carbon capture systems [DAC], the main energy sink isn't so much in 
collecting CO2 in the first place, but in regenerating the absorber and making 
a pure stream of the gas."

Exactly. This is why nature's existing, very successful CRD assiduously avoids 
this step and why our attempts at further "denting" air CO2 should also. On the 
other hand if CO2 EOR is your end game, then you are obviously stuck with 
making conc CO2 while also increasing atmospheric CO2: typically in EOR CO2 
in<< oil CO2 out. How such schemes get mentioned in the context of saving the 
planet is something I find breathtaking.

Speaking of actually saving the planet, if you haven't already done so, there's 
still time to vote for The Planet Physician's air capture (and so much more) 
concept here:

and/or vote for this point source CO2 mitigation idea:

Your humble messenger,

Air capture needed as a tool to fight climate change, scientists say

Umair Irfan, E&E reporter

Published: Friday, August 23, 2013

Pulling vexing carbon emissions straight from the sky might become an important 
way to keep climate change in check. As pilot projects move forward, the 
prospect of capturing carbon dioxide from the air is growing increasingly 
plausible, though it may be some time before the technology, the demand and the 
costs align to make a dent in global emissions.

Earlier this year, instruments showed atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations 
rising above 400 parts per million for the first time in 800,000 years 
(ClimateWire<>, April 24).

Energy consumption, and consequently carbon emissions, is poised to grow 
further even as cars, homes and aircraft become more efficient. Fossil fuels 
will continue to be the major energy source in the coming century as countries 
like China harness this energy to drive economic development.

As a result, some researchers argue that direct air capture is a necessary, 
though not sufficient, component of any climate change mitigation strategy.

"Our view is that air capture is a pathway that could be quite important," said 
David Keith, president of Carbon Engineering, a firm developing industrial air 
capture systems. He explained that controlling emissions at the source makes 
sense for large facilities like power plants and factories but scrubbing carbon 
dioxide from tailpipes or jet exhaust is too expensive.

The transportation sector accounts for 28 percent of greenhouse gas emissions 
in the United States, according to U.S. EPA, so there is still a critical need 
for a way to reduce the overall carbon dioxide produced from mobile sources.

Trapping CO2 in a liquid

Carbon Engineering is addressing this with a box fan-like air contactor that 
uses a liquid to sop up carbon dioxide from the air. The liquid, now enriched, 
circulates to a regeneration facility where it releases the carbon in a pure 
stream under high temperature.

This pure carbon stream is very useful, Keith observed. Carbon dioxide is a raw 
material for certain industrial processes, drillers use it to squeeze out more 
oil and gas from depleted wells and it serves as a building block for liquid 

"We are trying to reduce the risk by using technologies that are proven," he 
said. The company is designing a large pilot plant that will capture 1 kiloton 
of carbon dioxide annually, due to come online next year in Alberta.

Putting carbon dioxide to work is an important step toward making direct 
capture economically feasible as well as environmentally sustainable. Unlike a 
stream from a carbon capture system attached to a coal-fired generator, an air 
capture system recirculates carbon that is already in the atmosphere.

Using this carbon instead of the stuff from the ground to make gasoline or jet 
fuel means it offsets humanity's carbon output so that there is no net change 
in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, provided the energy driving the 
process comes from a carbon-neutral generator.

"When you drive your car and emit some carbon and I capture that carbon and use 
it to make fuel for the car, then effectively I've created a closed loop," said 
Tim Fox, head of the Energy and Environment Division at the Institution of 
Mechanical Engineers speaking last month at the U.S. Energy Association in 
Washington, D.C.

Because carbon dioxide is fungible once it enters the atmosphere, Fox said it 
doesn't matter where developers build an air capture system. It doesn't have to 
be near a specific carbon source and can use cheap, marginal land, thereby 
reducing overhead.

Fox suggested that engineers could site air capture systems near stranded 
renewable energy sources, like sunny islands or windy, desolate cliffs.

Would zero-emission vehicles cost less?

However, others are skeptical. "Capture from the air is very expensive. Those 
ideas just make it more expensive," said Howard Herzog, senior research 
engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Energy Initiative.

Herzog co-authored a study in 2011 that concluded direct air capture uses too 
much energy and costs too much to be an effective strategy to fight climate 
change (ClimateWire<>, 
Dec. 13, 2011). He said gradually switching to zero-emission vehicles would 
likely be cheaper and more effective at reducing emissions than offsetting 
tailpipe CO2 with air capture.

In order for air capture to make a difference in the climate, the technology 
and economics would have to change radically. "The first thing that's essential 
is you have to totally decarbonize your power system," Herzog said, referring 
to the energy needed to feed direct air capture devices. "The second thing, the 
electricity, the power you buy from this system, must become inexpensive. If 
that's the case, then it starts becoming more in the realm of possibility."

Still, researchers are pressing on and looking for better ways to collect 
carbon dioxide from the air. "I think people are too pessimistic," said Klaus 
Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at Columbia 
University. "If you look at the first-of-a-kind price of a new technology, it's 
not terribly informative."

Air capture systems would follow cost trajectories similar to those of wind and 
solar energy as the devices get better and companies build more of them, 
Lackner said. He noted that for carbon capture systems, the main energy sink 
isn't so much in collecting CO2 in the first place, but in regenerating the 
absorber and making a pure stream of the gas.

'Cleaning up' after ourselves

Scientists are therefore concentrating on improving the mechanisms used to snag 
and release carbon dioxide. Lackner developed a mechanism that passively 
collects CO2 on a membrane and releases it when wet, thereby avoiding 
energy-intensive fans and high temperatures. Kilimanjaro Energy is currently 
working to commercialize this system.

The process, however, still requires more energy than capturing emissions at 
the source. "The bottom line is, I pay a penalty, but it's a relatively small 
penalty, and that penalty is worth it for going after those emissions no one 
else is," he said.

In addition, air capture creates leverage that could aid international climate 
negotiations. "You could tell, for example, the coal producers or the coal 
consumers, 'You should clean up your own CO2, but if you don't, we will do it 
on your behalf and we will charge you for it,'" he said.

One criticism is that directly trying to change the atmosphere falls within the 
shadow of geoengineering, so air capture deserves extra scrutiny. Another issue 
is that some environmental groups, like Greenpeace, view carbon capture systems 
as a moral hazard and a way to enable complacency. With a way to pull carbon 
out of the air, people will not limit their emissions and will do less to 
address climate change, the argument goes.

Lackner said the motivation here is actually the opposite: Because the warming 
planet is such a threat and current systems aren't doing enough to solve the 
problem, researchers need to pursue every option and don't have the luxury of 
leaving direct air capture off the table.

"It's cleaning up after yourself, and it has very little to do with 
geoengineering," he said. "I view this as CO2 emissions control and closing the 
anthropogenic carbon cycle."

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