Is the Arctic a carbon source, or sink?
Christa Marshall, E&E reporter
Published: Friday, December 6, 2013

In addition to being a warming hot spot, the Arctic plays a pivotal role in the 
movement of carbon between atmosphere, land and sea.

But the degree to which Arctic regions are a carbon sink, versus a source of 
greenhouse gas, is still a matter of debate. Permafrost holds vast amounts of 
carbon long stored in cold conditions, for example, but scientists are trying 
to pinpoint the pace at which the carbon will be released into the atmosphere 
because of thawing of frozen soil.

Similarly, there are uncertainties about the degree to which reduced cover of 
Arctic sea ice will change the amount of carbon sequestered in the Arctic Ocean.

Now two studies are offering some preliminary answers, and their results raise 
new concerns about the factors playing into future warming. In the first, a 
chief conclusion is that there needs to be more of a focus on the Arctic winter 
when it comes to thawing permafrost.

"We have a potential [carbon] release that could be similar to deforestation, 
but far less energy is going into measuring or monitoring it," said Edward 
Schuur, a professor of ecosystem ecology at the University of Florida and 
co-author of the study, which appeared in Ecology.

Arctic permafrost holds a vast pool of carbon. With climate change, it is 
estimated that more of this vast pool of carbon will be released to the 
atmosphere, as long-term frozen soil thaws, explained Schuur. However, warming 
also is expected to increase plant growth in the tundra, a factor that sucks up 
carbon from the air and provides a counter to warming.

Via a first-of-its-type experiment over three years, the researchers compared 
how this increased plant growth in the summer offset the release of carbon from 
permafrost thawing.

They found that induced warming indeed spurred plant growth in the summer in a 
region of the Alaskan tundra near Denali National Park, increasing carbon 
uptake from the atmosphere. But this uptake from vegetation was completely 
offset by carbon release in the winter, an Arctic season that has been less of 
a focus for researchers in the past.

Although the researchers found that increased carbon release essentially 
countered all the carbon uptake from increased plant growth, the results likely 
represent a minimum effect, said Schuur. In real conditions, where warming 
would likely be much more uniform throughout the year, the net loss of carbon 
from tundra to the atmosphere could be expected to "more than double," 
according to the study.

Carbon release occurs because microbes in the permafrost feed on organic 
matter, releasing greenhouse gas along the way, explained Schuur.

Simulating a warming Arctic

The researchers simulated future warming at plots by using a combination of 
miniature greenhouses and man-made snowdrifts, which counterintuitively warm 
permafrost like a blanket. Schuur said the warming conditions -- which were 
simulated in both the air and the tundra -- were similar to what could occur in 
the next few decades in the region.

As the active layer of the permafrost thawed every summer over the study 
period, the induced warming spurred tundra plants to grow taller, and at a 
faster pace, Schuur said.

"From a climate change perspective, this is a good thing, because the 
vegetation is taking carbon out of the air," Schuur said.

However, the researchers went a step further than many prior studies and tried 
to simulate warming in winter conditions, via the snowdrift blanketing. "Once 
you put on that put blanket [of a snowdrift], the soils are warmer throughout 
the whole year," said Schuur.

In a warmer winter in the tundra, the "middle" layer of the permafrost, just 
underneath the frozen surface, takes a little longer to freeze after the summer 
season. This delayed freezing allows microbes in the permafrost to have a 
longer time to feed on organic matter than they had in the past. The microbes 
are active, even as vegetation activity shuts down in winter months.

Climate change is "increasing [the microbe] food source," said Schuur.

Schuur said he expected the next phase of research at the sites, over another 
three-year period, to show that the carbon uptake of plants eventually will 
lose pace to the carbon release from microbes in soil. Plants only have so much 
room to grow taller and faster, and at some point will not continue to keep 
sucking up carbon on a linear trend, he said.

"Soil doesn't have this kind of limit," said Schuur.

Dueling studies

The study fits into a growing body of work examining the degree to which the 
Arctic and regions in the far north will be a carbon source versus a carbon 
sink. Another study, also released this week, examined a different aspect of 
Arctic carbon flux, with different conclusions about the region's role in 
absorbing carbon.

In that study, which was supported by the National Science Foundation and the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists reported that the 
Arctic Ocean is becoming more of a carbon sink, because decreased sea ice cover 
is spurring phytoplankton blooms that absorb carbon.

"The reason the Arctic [Ocean] as a whole is becoming more of a sink is because 
the biological drawdown of carbon is getting larger," said Stephanie 
Dutkiewicz, a principal research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology and co-author of the study.

>From 1996 to 2007, the modeling concluded that the amount of carbon taken up 
>by the Arctic Ocean increased by 1 megaton annually.

This was so even though a few studied regions -- in the Greenland and Barents 
seas -- bucked the carbon sink trend during "severe" years of ice loss. They 
bucked the trend partially because they receive very warm water from the 
Atlantic, and carbon is less soluble in very warm water, explained Dutkiewicz.

Although more research is needed, it is likely that the Arctic Ocean as a whole 
will continue to be a carbon sink in the near future, she said. While that is 
good news in a sense, more regions, like the Barents Sea, are likely to shift 
from sink to source in the next 50 years. Additionally, it will not help 
organisms in the Arctic Ocean sensitive to acidification caused by more carbon 

"So, though the oceans have mediated some of the climate issue, they have done 
so at their own peril," said Dutkiewicz.

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