
Thanks for these comments.

I’ll start with sea ice extent. It is important to realize that there are
two effects going on when one makes sea ice. The first is the transfer of
heat the atmosphere, which would lead to increased radiation into space,
all other things being equal. This takes place wherever incremental ice is
made. The second effect is related to albedo, and is less certain. As
Andrew Lockley pointed out, this depends on whether the upper layer of ice
is salty and melts early.

If the salt remains in the surface ice, any program should focus on
restoration of the extent (area coverage) of ice, recognizing that the
albedo impact will be less significant. If the salt migrates through
microchannels into the sea water below the ice, one could thicken ice to
historical levels as well as extending its area. However, the double
benefit would come from extending the area of ice coverage.

Next, I’ll comment on fresh water ice formation. A researcher at the
University of Alberta has studied the endangerment of polar bears around
Hudson’s Bay due to ice melting two to three weeks earlier than historical
records. This limits the polar bears’ access to baby seals, which are
critical to them building up sufficient fat (and yikes, doesn’t nature
offer tough choices, save a bear and kill a baby seal). Thickening the ice
on Hudson’s Bay would have the benefit of heat transfer to the atmosphere,
longer ice for polar bears, and perhaps longer albedo (again, depending on
salt disposition). If one were to go past historical ice cover it might
impact the ecosystem in ways we don’t understand (a merit of ice making is
that one can control the extent to restoration rather than incremental
coverage, in time or area). However, one could also flood land in the north
with fresh water, retarding the time of melt and increasing the duration of
high albedo.

Finally, I did not see any coverage of the concept of making ice in the
recent documents, although I did not do an extensive search. I think the
concept of making ice has far less traction than aerosols, despite the fact
that making ice is a common practice in the north with well documented


Peter Flynn, P. Eng., Ph. D.

Emeritus Professor and Poole Chair in Management for Engineers

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Alberta

cell: 928 451 4455

*From:* Ronal W. Larson []
*Sent:* May-13-14 10:53 AM
*To:* Peter Flynn
*Cc:* Geoengineering
*Subject:* Re: Sea Ice

Peter and list:

            Two questions:

            a.  Was there anything on your ideas below in either AR5 or the
NCA?   I have not yet read all of either, but have read all I could find in
each on geoengineering.  Your concepts below don’t fit nicely into the SRM
and CDR camps, but would still seem safe to be called geoengineering.
 Since not even mentioned, the going will be hard unless some government
agency gets interested.

            b.  You say in last sentence> *“…..**restoration of ice cover
to historical levels**…**.**”*                             Am I correct
that we only need to add enough ice to get through September?   That means
adding little near the north pole and progressively more ice as one moves
south (ignoring ice gyres).  Maybe reaching a maximum of 2 meters of
man-made ice, but an average added thickness of (a guess) a meter?   This
seems likely to be (another guess) 10% as hard as reaching “historical”
levels, which must be an added  3-4 meters everywhere.

            I just watched a short 32-year month by month video display on
arctic ice thickness in the last graph at the site given previously:

            (running at 1/4 speed or twice speed is also interesting to
            One thought from watching this video is that there may be some
inland, freshwater ice in Canada that already has disappeared in June or
July - that may be easier to reverse - and get an equivalent albedo effect.
 Another is that northern-most Canada is the last place to try to reverse -
very thick there now.

            Below the video are some other Arctic-ice-disappearance plots I
had missed before, that support the concept that the NCA and AR5 are not
accurately reporting how fast Arctic ice is disappearing.


On May 13, 2014, at 9:07 AM, Peter Flynn <> wrote:

Ron et al.,

Some thoughts re geoengineering sea ice:

Sea ice can be made; it has been done in the past, through two methods,
pumping water on top of existing ice, and spraying water in the air. The
spray technique is much like making artificial snow at a ski resort.
Pumping sea water on top of ice is a low energy application: “low lift”
pumping of high volumes of water is a current practice, for example moving
river water into settling basins prior to water treatment. This kind of
application could be easily powered by wind generation. Low lift over
successive nights is a standard northern technique for making thick ice
roads. Spray was used to make very thick (> eight meters) ice for drilling

The concept of making sea ice was discussed in a conceptual study we did
some years ago of enhancing the downwelling current (North Atlantic Deep
Water): Zhou and Flynn (2005) Geoengineering downwelling ocean currents; a
cost estimate, Climatic Change, 71: 203-220.

In both low lift and spray projects the production of ice arises from
enhancing the rate of heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere, in the winter
when the northern atmosphere is well below freezing. This in turn would
enhance the radiation of heat from atmosphere to space. Low lift that puts
water on top of existing ice gets around the problem with natural ice
formation that as the ice thickens its own insulating effect increases.

The potential secondary benefit of ice formation is an increase in albedo
as new ice reflects sunlight in the spring, or seasonal ice that is
thickened takes longer to melt.

The key unknown at this point is the disposition of salt: does it remain in
the ice on the surface, or as ice forms does a more concentrated brine find
its way to the water through microchannels in the ice (as happens when ice
forms at the bottom of an ice sheet). I regret that I am no longer an
active researcher, and cannot answer this question.

Andrew Lockley pointed out that if the salt remains in the upper ice it
would melt in the spring, form pools on the top of the ice, and absorb
sunlight. However, this does not negate the benefit of the formation of new
ice, since in the absence of new ice formation there would be sea water in
any event. Even if pools form on the surface of new ice, the albedo effect
is no different, and heat has been transferred from ocean to atmosphere.
Hence if salt is retained in surface made new ice, a program of ice
formation could focus on creating new ice. If salt flows through
microchannels a program of ice formation could be extended to thicken
seasonal ice as well.

Forming new ice would be “seeded” by spray until a sheet was formed, at
which point low lift could move far more water on the surface for the same
energy input.

Moving vast quantities of water around in very cold conditions is routinely
practiced in the north, including at oil sands mines in Alberta.

I am a supporter of many forms of geoengineering. The relative merits of
sea ice formation include the ability to instantly stop the program if a
negative effect is encountered, and the ability to target restoration of
ice cover to historical levels.


Peter Flynn, P. Eng., Ph. D.

Emeritus Professor and Poole Chair in Management for Engineers

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Alberta

cell: 928 451 4455

*From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Ronal W. Larson
*Sent:* May-08-14 4:12 PM
*To:* Geoengineering
*Subject:* [geo] Re: NCA3


            1.   This is the promised additional thoughts re Arctic Ice
after skimming  .   I somehow lost two earlier
versions of this, and have limited time today, so this is shorter than I
had before. I’d be glad to give other cites on this topic, should anyone
want more.

            Overall, I am not that unhappy with the NCA report.  It is a
step forward.   Commendably, there is a great deal in this report on Arctic
ice.   But this report underplays the very likely very early disappearance
of September Arctic ice.  Using terms like “mid century” is harmful.  The
ice data, even somewhat in this NCA itself if you look carefully, indicates
we will see very little ice later this decade - more than thirty years
earlier than the report suggests.

            A word search will find “Arctic ice” twice in the first
two-page summary - but not indicating any special concern.  More than 250
other occurrences in the 850 pages also show no special concern about
Arctic ice - I presume because to (most?) everyone involved that “zero” ice
is (incorrectly) seen as way off.

            2.   A further word search will find my preferred Arctic ice
expert - Dr.  Wieslaw Maslowski’s name (only) once - in the chapter on
Alaska.  This leads one to a fine 2012 paper that is surprisingly NOT
behind a pay wall:

from which Figure 9 is:


            Even though the last data point is in 2008, a zeroing of Ice is
shown well before 2020.   The symbol “ON” stand for an average of
October-November, while most “minimum” data is for (the warmer) September.
 The whole article is mainly on why most global models are so far off in
everything related to Arctic ice - exactly what I am claiming about NCA and

            3.   To get more recent measured data I recommend this site


and then the third site from bottom in the right column


from which his first plot is one good representation:


            As most on this list know, 2013 reversed a trend (largely for
early unusual cloud reasons, I believe).  But note that all six of the
years since the earlier graph are lower than any there.  The start of 2014
to date (the end of the 2013 cycle) is very near the record low for Piomas
data.  So ice thickness is still balancing ice extent - on the way for both
to zero.

            4.    When we talk of “essentially” gone, we need consensus on
whether this is 5% or 10% of peak - which can knock a year or two off of
“zero”.  So “zeroing” this decade (6 years off) seems a certainty to me
 And the extent/area is guaranteed to be zero as well - not many decades
off, as advertised in the NCA (and AR5).

            How can it be otherwise?

            Did these NCA and AR5 reports fail to get an important message
across?  Prof. Flynn, who responded yesterday on this, has earlier offered
some ideas on saving that ice.


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