Just because a snake oil salesman happened to find out along with the rest 
of us that there are interesting indications that, for once, his bottles 
may actually have contained something efficacious doesn't mean his critics 
on this OIF project were "persecuting" him.  

Eg:  This is the same Russ George who claimed his company was about to 
bring to market room heaters powered by* cold fusion*.  See:  "Unveiling 
the mystery of cold nuclear fusion... an interview with scientist Russ 
George <http://www.shareintl.org/archives/Science-tech/sci_chunveil.html>".  

A typical Russ Georgism of that time:  "Dr. Fleischmann's genius inspired a 
generation of audacious researchers, and there are now thousands of 
scientific reports confirming the reality, safety and stunning promise of 
solid-state fusion energy. Aided by his insight and most recent 
discoveries, we believe it is time to start delivering that potential to 
the world."  He had photos of cold fusion devices working in his lab - I've 
even seen a photo I can't find now of the prototype room heater.  It was 
supposed to be on the market by 2007.  

A cold fusion and Russ George debunker in 2008 pubished this:  "Highlights 
of Russ George's Business and Science Activities" 

On Friday, November 14, 2014 3:12:21 PM UTC-8, Robert Tulip wrote:
> What a great vindication for Russ George. This article raises issues that 
> all concerned with the politics, economics and science of climate change 
> should consider.  The environmentalists and UN agencies who have persecuted 
> Russ George should apologize and hang their heads in shame.  The science on 
> iron fertilization is not settled, but the indications are very positive.

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