As a philosopher working on this issue, it seems to me that this provides a
really strong argument in favor of focused attention on mitigation.
There's at least some degree of popular perception that geoengineering
provides a "fail safe" for fixing the climate if/when we fail to
successfully implement sufficient mitigation policies.  In some cases, this
leads to more lukewarm (or downright cold) support for mitigation than it
otherwise would have.  Philosophers and social scientists call this a
"moral hazard."

But it seems to me that this position isn't just wrong--it's exactly
backward.  If a failure to adequately mitigate climate change means that
our only recourse will be geoengineering, that's a *very* strong reason to
mitigate early and mitigate often.  The costs associated with
geoengineering--both in terms of financial commitments and in terms of
potentially dangerous side-effects--are just too numerous for it to be
reasonable to think of a large-scale geoengineering program as a "fail
safe."  I think we would do well to work harder to promulgate that message
more widely and more forcefully than we do now.


Jon Lawhead, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Southern California
Philosophy and Earth Sciences

3651 Trousdale Parkway
Zumberge Hall of Science, 223D
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Greg Rau <> wrote:

> Amen, Mike. Given this dangerous trajectory, I'd say it's time for another
> reading from our experts on the ethics of alternative climate management
> methods. And I don't mean adaptation.
> Greg
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sun, 5/31/15, Mike MacCracken <> wrote:
>  Subject: [geo] On why we'll very likely need climate engineering
>  To: "Geoengineering" <>
>  Date: Sunday, May 31, 2015, 10:28 AM
>  For those who argue that it is best
>  to keep relying on mitigation as the
>  only acceptable approach, it is because of disgraceful
>  decisions such as
>  described in:
>  e-obamas-progress-on-climate-change
>  that this will be the case. I've done declarations for a
>  couple of lawsuits
>  trying to fight the leasing of such coal lands. The
>  Administration could
>  have acceded to their calls for a high quality environmental
>  review of the
>  consequences of such leasing (so including GHG effect), but
>  instead they
>  have fought those lawsuits and rely on a really outdated EIS
>  (their analysis
>  starts on page 4-130--and is only a few pages long). Or they
>  could have
>  imposed the social cost of carbon as an additional fee if
>  one wants to use
>  the free market system to level the field across
>  technologies--but no,
>  leases would be at very low prices.
>  So, first, the criticism that those of us favor
>  geoengineering first are
>  just wrong--we've been fighting hard for mitigation. But
>  decisions like this
>  keep coming, and I would suggest have nothing to do with
>  whether
>  geoengineering might or might not help. So, we keep having
>  to go deeper and
>  deeper in to the barrel to try to find some way to slow the
>  devastating
>  consequences of warming lying ahead.
>  Second, given decisions like this by the US, no wonder the
>  rest of the world
>  is not yet really making commitments that are strong enough
>  to make a
>  difference for the future. Truly embarrassing decision--it
>  makes all the
>  clamor over stopping the Keystone pipeline to limit tar
>  sands development
>  ring very hollow.
>  Mike MacCracken
>  --
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