"there is still a safe path forward to addressing the climate crisis" say 
Pierrehumbert and Mann.  They sound so certain.  

On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 1:15:16 PM UTC-7 David Hawkins wrote:

> A provocative, in the good sense, exchange.
> A couple of comments on the pieces by Pierrehumbert and Mann.
> Personally, I feel the arguments against planning for SRM deployment are 
> numerous and very strong.  The arguments against *research *on the 
> subject are much weaker.  The SRM topic is being discussed in policy 
> circles.  Not doing research will not halt the discussion in policy 
> circles.  Rather, it will tend to leave the field open for those who want 
> to hold out SRM as an easy, effective alternative to cutting emissions. 
> They can paint a rosy picture without having to be concerned about 
> contradictory research findings.
> I find no fault with the Pierrehumbert and Mann points about why SRM is 
> not a substitute for emission cuts (nor with similar points made by Mann in 
> his more nuanced blog on the NRC report 
> https://michaelmann.net/content/my-comments-new-national-academy-report-geoengineering
> ).
> But taking the recent NRC report to task for proposing an SRM research 
> program seems off-base to me.  The NRC report takes pains to state that SRM 
> can never be a substitute for emission cuts. It goes further and says the 
> research it recommends should “focus on developing policy-relevant 
> knowledge, rather than advancing a path for deployment.”  The report 
> recommends SRM be only a  minor part of the climate research budget, 
> suggesting $100-200 million total over five years.  The report recommends 
> off-ramps, providing for an end to research if show-stopper factors emerge.
> I would be interested in knowing what specifically in the NRDC report 
> Pierrehumbert and Mann disagree with.  I understand the concern that 
> spending public money on researching SRM has the potential to “legitimize” 
> the concept of SRM.  There is merit to that concern but barring research 
> seems to me to be too blunt an instrument to address the concern.  The cost 
> of ignorance is too high.
> *From: *Geoengineering <geoengi...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Daniele 
> Visioni <daniele...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"daniele...@gmail.com" <daniele...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Friday, April 23, 2021 at 11:19 AM
> *To: *Stephen Salter <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk>
> *Cc: *"infog...@gmail.com" <infog...@gmail.com>, Geoengineering <
> geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [geo] Some say we can ‘solar-engineer’ ourselves out of 
> the climate crisis. Don’t buy it Ray Pierrehumbert and Michael Mann
> “Having no skin in the game” only means that whoever is not a white male 
> emeritus professor (or an NAS member like Michael Mann) 
> would probably think twice before writing in a public mailing list that 
> anyone can read about eugenic proposals that people support for real 
> without a shed of irony.
> Anybody else in any other more precarious position would probably think 
> “Mmh, would this horrible opinion (or joking about this horrible opinion) 
> make me a *persona non grata* everywhere? Maybe I should shut up about 
> it”.
> Please remember that your personal definition of what’s “fun” or “irony” 
> might not be shared by people who have heard multiple times that their 
> location/race/skin color/gender needs to be exterminated *for real*.
> Do you think they would feel welcome in writing in this group (or coming 
> to geoengineering meetings) if they suspected we think the solution to 
> solving the climate crisis is exterminating them?
> Not to mention the fact that there are probably journalists in this group. 
> I think profs. Mann and Pierrehumbert (and for that matter, Kevin Surprise 
> and prof. Jennie Stephens piece in The Hill) opinion is condescending (and 
> pretty grand in calling other people paternalistic)
> Not to mention conflating researchers with “geoengineering evangelists”, 
> or claiming that solar geoengineering suppresses BLM. Both things I find 
> incredibly, personally offensive.
> The solution is not to shock in the other direction, by saying that if 
> people don’t want to discuss SRM or CDR, then we have to resort to 
> neo-malthusian bullcrap.
> We can do (as a community) way better than that, and keep our head cool.
> I’m not going to discuss your scientific results right now. We can have 
> that discussion another time, and we most likely agree on the danger of 
> climate change. But this is not what is being discussed here.
> Daniele
> On 23 Apr 2021, at 10:14, SALTER Stephen <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Daniele
> I have had Covid myself and so I agree that it is not all funny.  My 
> intention was to shock.
> The problem with having only emission reduction by 2050 is means that 
> typhoons, floods, droughts, bushfires, sea-level rise, Arctic ice loss and 
> damage to coral will all be worse, perhaps much worse than at present.  If 
> you think that present conditions are not acceptable you have to conclude 
> that zero emission is not low enough.  As well as reducing emissions we 
> will have to remove greenhouse gases, probably with help from 
> phytoplankton, and also do direct cooling a soon as we can and then ramp it 
> down when emissions are under control. 
> To help inform opinions, the graph below shows estimates of the amount of 
> salt of all sizes thrown up by sea waves plotted against the date of the 
> estimate.
> <image001.png>
> The small blue circle is the mean at 5.4 gigatonne per year.
> The thickening of the black line on the X axis between 1959 and 2020 shows 
> the mass of sea salt with the mass of 10 ^ -14 grams chosen for a high 
> Kohler nucleation efficiency which we would need for John Latham’s proposal 
> for marine cloud brightening.  This gives what we hope is enough to cancel 
> thermal effects since preindustrial times.  The size of spray is actually 
> where there is a gap between the masses of Aitken and accumulation modes of 
> natural aerosol. 
> Spraying can be stopped at the click of a mouse and salt will be washed 
> back into the sea at the next rainfall.  If we can forecast wind speed and 
> direction a few days ahead we can target hot blobs,  El Nino events and the 
> Indian Ocean dipole which sets the balance between floods and bush fires 
> between Australia and Africa.  Over 20 years we could restore sea level.
> The results below from Stjern et al. show the mean of nine climate models 
> for temperature and precipitation if we increase the concentration of the 
> right size of nuclei in cloudy ocean regions by 50%. Note the blue-green 
> increased precipitation in drought-stricken regions.
> <image002.png>
> Perhaps the people who have blocked research into this possibility will 
> have uncomfortable thoughts in future.
> I am too old to understand ‘skin in the game’. Please advise.
> Stephen
> *Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design*
> *School of Engineering*
> *Mayfield Road*
> *Edinburgh EH9 3DW*
> *0131 650 5704*
> *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBB6WtH_Ni8 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DZBB6WtH-5FNi8&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=Wb1BKt5BVWRh_KIYkcGFP1t3sPuFUjEa3xpNo-7qwt0&e=>*
> *From:* Daniele Visioni <daniele...@gmail.com> 
> *Sent:* Friday, April 23, 2021 2:07 PM
> *To:* SALTER Stephen <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk>
> *Cc:* infog...@gmail.com; geoengi...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [geo] Some say we can ‘solar-engineer’ ourselves out of 
> the climate crisis. Don’t buy it Ray Pierrehumbert and Michael Mann
> *This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.*
> You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the 
> email is genuine and the content is safe.
> For my own mental sanity I will assume this is really cheap sarcasm (and I 
> can assure you this is really not funny).
> In the same spirit I might suggest that if such a virus was engineered to 
> prevent old academics with no skin in the game from venting their 
> uninformed opinions on any subject they can think of on international 
> newspapers (or elsewhere where they’re not peer reviewed, for that matter), 
> the world would be way better off than with any form of population control. 
> Daniele
> On 23 Apr 2021, at 08:53, SALTER Stephen <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi All
> The root cause of the root cause of the CO2 problem is the excessive 
> population of humans.  The best solution would be genetic engineering of a 
> virus with high mortality and transmission efficiency.  Covid 19 is 
> pathetically inadequate.  We would need to crank up the rate of variant 
> production, improve the width of age sensitivity and also make it selective 
> for skin colour, eye shape and perhaps even political attitudes.
> Stephen
> *Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design*
> *School of Engineering*
> *Mayfield Road*
> *Edinburgh EH9 3DW*
> *0131 650 5704*
> *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBB6WtH_Ni8 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DZBB6WtH-5FNi8&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=Wb1BKt5BVWRh_KIYkcGFP1t3sPuFUjEa3xpNo-7qwt0&e=>*
> *From:* geoengi...@googlegroups.com <geoengi...@googlegroups.com> *On 
> Behalf Of *Geoeng Info
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 22, 2021 9:20 PM
> *To:* geoengi...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* [geo] Some say we can ‘solar-engineer’ ourselves out of the 
> climate crisis. Don’t buy it Ray Pierrehumbert and Michael Mann
> *This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.*
> You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the 
> email is genuine and the content is safe.
> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/22/climate-crisis-emergency-earth-day
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_commentisfree_2021_apr_22_climate-2Dcrisis-2Demergency-2Dearth-2Dday&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=oxkmroIAwMQmySUOoNLpV6d1s7Wqh6KqTf9a7jWNwV0&e=>
> Some say we can ‘solar-engineer’ ourselves out of the climate crisis. 
> Don’t buy it 
> *Ray Pierrehumbert and Michael Mann 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_profile_michael-2De-2Dmann&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=5FntZ3re4A-1hsr4RdGxOPn5YM9HBcNRjsUPMcKD2J0&e=>*
> What could go wrong with this idea? Well, quite a lot
> <~WRD0000.jpg>
> ‘The heating effect of carbon dioxide persists for ten thousand years or 
> more, absent unproven technologies for scrubbing carbon dioxide out of the 
> atmosphere.’ Photograph: Phil Noble/ReutersAs we arrive at Earth Day, 
> there is renewed hope in the battle to avert catastrophic climate change. 
> Under newly elected president Joe Biden, the US has reasserted global 
> leadership 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_us-2Dnews_2021_mar_31_biden-2Dinfrastructure-2Dplan-2Daddress-2Dclimate-2Dcrisis&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=hhFFwdoTVIE1cT94ABmaZDuG8xNBH488jqm0r8Z38Sk&e=>
>  in 
> this defining challenge of our time, bringing world leaders together in 
> Washington this week 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.whitehouse.gov_briefing-2Droom_statements-2Dreleases_2021_03_26_president-2Dbiden-2Dinvites-2D40-2Dworld-2Dleaders-2Dto-2Dleaders-2Dsummit-2Don-2Dclimate_&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=e3ZUzV1-zMFjqAh_oStRgTVgcp95b3_SdCwxt56Nh2k&e=>
>  to 
> galvanize the global effort to ramp down carbon emissions in the decade 
> ahead.
> So there is promise. But there is also great peril looming in the 
> foreground.
> Just as the world, at long last, is getting its act together, an ominous 
> sun-dimming cloud has appeared on the horizon 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__michaelmann.net_content_my-2Dcomments-2Dnew-2Dnational-2Dacademy-2Dreport-2Dgeoengineering&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=1kpHeUeJ8tPDvFVuVI2MZHDhZOLfhs4yz81SM_Zqwwk&e=>,
> threatening to derail these nascent efforts. That cloud comes in the form 
> of technologies whose proponents call – somewhat deceptively – “solar 
> geoengineering”.
> So-called “solar geoengineering” doesn’t actually modify the sun itself. 
> Instead, it reduces incoming sunlight by other means, such as putting 
> chemicals in the atmosphere that reflect sunlight to space. It addresses a 
> symptom of global heating, rather than the root cause, which is 
> human-caused increase in the atmosphere’s burden of carbon dioxide.
> While it is certainly true that reducing sunlight can cause cooling (we 
> know that from massive but episodic volcanic eruptions such as Pinatubo in 
> 1991), it acts on a very different part of the climate system than carbon 
> dioxide. And efforts to offset carbon dioxide-caused warming with sunlight 
> reduction would yield 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__journals.sagepub.com_doi_full_10.2968_064002006&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=fu3bPPOxQ-w5u7iDwCG1VV3gArTAU3_0f3QjarNFeq8&e=>
>  a 
> very different climate, perhaps one unlike any seen before in Earth’s 
> history, with massive shifts in atmospheric circulation and rainfall 
> patterns and possible worsening of droughts.
> What could possibly go wrong 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ncse.ngo_preview-2Dmadhouse-2Deffect&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=DsJ-CMrfyS6AGmtZANaUHxQDwvCpfuooS5g0kPuWjxg&e=>?
> Elizabeth Kolbert’s book Under a White Sky 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_books_2021_mar_26_under-2Da-2Dwhite-2Dsky-2Dby-2Delizabeth-2Dkolbert-2Dreview-2Dthe-2Dpath-2Dto-2Dcatastrophe&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=o7T3PFfvZrmYr2ykggPQXKusZN9ukN-A3zStmXfOsBY&e=>
>  documents 
> case after case where supposedly benign environmental interventions have 
> had unintended consequences requiring layer after layer of escalating 
> further technological interventions to avert disaster. When the impacts are 
> local, as in Australia’s struggle to deal with consequences of deliberate 
> introduction of the cane toad, the spread of catastrophe can be contained 
> (so far, at least). But what happens when the unintended consequences 
> afflict the entire planet?
> Then there is the mismatch of time scales. The heating effect of carbon 
> dioxide persists for 10,000 years or more, absent unproven technologies for 
> scrubbing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. In contrast, the 
> sun-dimming particles in question drop out in a year or less, meaning that 
> if you come to rely on geoengineering for survival, you need to keep it up 
> essentially forever. Think of it as climate methadone.
> And if we are ever forced to stop, we are hit with dangerous withdrawal 
> symptoms – a catastrophic “termination shock” wherein a century of pent-up 
> global heating emerges within a decade. Some proponents insist we can 
> always stop if we don’t like the result. Well yes, we can stop. Just like 
> if you’re being kept alive by a ventilator with no hope of a cure, you can 
> turn it off – and suffer the consequences.
> Geoengineering evangelists 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_environment_2021_feb_08_solar-2Dgeoengineering-2Dtest-2Dflight-2Dplan-2Dunder-2Dfire-2Dover-2Denvironmental-2Dconcerns-2Daoe&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=FKyG5Jl1g4JfrqEiPQuCqGL3UssPn5Xjfsa63-5gPQ4&e=>
>  at 
> Harvard have pushed for expanded consideration of such technology; as panic 
> over the climate crisis has grown, so too has support for perilous 
> geoengineering schemes spread well beyond Cambridge, Massachusetts. And the 
> lines between basic theoretical research (which is worthwhile – climate 
> model experiments, for example, have revealed 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__physicsworld.com_a_solar-2Dgeoengineering-2Dcould-2Dcause-2Dunwanted-2Dchanges-2Din-2Dclimate-2Dnew-2Dmodelling-2Dsuggests_&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=R3TMYRuv3C1KljTJ7dNFCjCyRgIEhsZEALtWVqGlSyQ&e=>
>  the 
> potential perils) on the one hand, and field testing and implementation 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__link.springer.com_article_10.1007_s10584-2D020-2D02740-2D3&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=TkV_n06VFj8Fi_YJ8HwNCQDyi23k6n7ZEVokkvaH9tc&e=>
>  on 
> the other, have increasingly been blurred.
> Solar geoengineering has been cited 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.rollingstone.com_politics_politics-2Dnews_geoengineering-2Dhouse-2Ddemocrats-2Dclimate-2Dplan-2D2020-2D1023376_&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=joX8M1wayhNT6Tf7QTRn62AEL3LG5hKoCAD2GKX4CyA&e=>
>  in 
> the Democratic Climate Action Plan. MIT’s Maria Zuber, incoming co-chair of 
> Biden’s president’s council of advisers on science and technology (PCAST) 
> is on record as favoring 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.org_solar-2Dradiation-2Dmitigation-2Dresearch_&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=6bo0XHRsAJ69Zs6q0vCjNs0VBAgUe14kdx_EKp_obpI&e=>
>  an 
> expanded federal geoengineering research program. And now the other shoe 
> has dropped – the US National Research Council has recently released a 
> report going well beyond 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__michaelmann.net_content_my-2Dcomments-2Dnew-2Dnational-2Dacademy-2Dreport-2Dgeoengineering&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=1kpHeUeJ8tPDvFVuVI2MZHDhZOLfhs4yz81SM_Zqwwk&e=>
>  the 
> very cautious, tentative recommendations for continued research in the 2015 
> NRC report 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.nap.edu_catalog_18988_climate-2Dintervention-2Dreflecting-2Dsunlight-2Dto-2Dcool-2Dearth&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=tuRUo_Vg6gpj-An_icv2Hn7LMKvWqcO3R6DN57H1lSs&e=>
>  one 
> of us (Pierrehumbert) co-authored.
> The new report 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.nap.edu_catalog_25762_reflecting-2Dsunlight-2Drecommendations-2Dfor-2Dsolar-2Dgeoengineering-2Dresearch-2Dand-2Dresearch-2Dgovernance&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=WFuCXnXBzWRDeGo44F_VFqnCcatQSFmmSd-9YCKBFWk&e=>
>  pushes 
> for a massive $200m five-year funding program. The growing support is based 
> on a fundamental misconception, captured in the NRC report’s justification 
> statement: that we likely won’t achieve the necessary decarbonization of 
> our economy in time to avoid massive climate damages, so this technology 
> might be needed.
> Such “Plan B” framing is the worst possible justification for developing 
> solar geoengineering technology. It is laden in moral hazard – providing, 
> as it does, an excuse for fossil fuel interests and their advocates to 
> continue with business as usual. Why reduce carbon pollution if there is a 
> cheap workaround? In The New Climate War, 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__scribepublications.com.au_books-2Dauthors_books_the-2Dnew-2Dclimate-2Dwar&d=DwMFaQ&c=AkZ8ntcCwZnm3Hk87-RMDw&r=rLi7_27j-LnJpYKqycRu19O0vsMQcHs-yrSfSMLtlNo&m=rEyTvRBFqyAkFKi61He1ZXrTwNbbUtbkvN-VdRPWqvc&s=Q2wxAOQThFXv7ooR3SgHBsnO-Nr8aVsChnhLABwamY4&e=>
>  one 
> of us (Mann) argues that geoengineering advocacy is indeed one of the key 
> delay tactics used by polluters.
> -- 
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