This new paper from the Journal of Climate is relevant to solar

Key take-home message: feedback strength is weaker for solar forcing than
CO2 forcing. This is related to the difference in latitudinal warming
patterns (solar forcing causes marginally larger warming in the tropical
regions and less warming in the polar regions)

ABSTRACT: Previous studies have shown that climate sensitivity, defined as
the global mean surface temperature change per unit radiative forcing, is
smaller for solar radiative forcing compared to an equivalent CO2 radiative
forcing.We investigate the causes for this difference using the NCAR CAM4
model. The contributions to the climate feedback parameter, which is
inversely related to climate sensitivity, are estimated for water vapor,
lapse rate, Planck, albedo, and cloud feedbacks using the radiative kernel
technique. The total feedback estimated for CO2 and solar radiative forcing
from our model simulations is 21.23 and 21.45 W m22 K21, respectively. We
find that the difference in feedback between the two cases is primarily due
to differences in lapse rate, water vapor, and cloud feedbacks, which
together explain 65%of the
difference in total feedback. The rest comes from Planck and albedo
feedbacks. The differences in feedbacks arise mainly from differences in
the horizontal (meridional) structure of forcing and the consequent
warming. Our study provides important insights into the effects of the
meridional structure of forcing on climate feedback, which is important for
evaluating global climate change from different forcing agents.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: An increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration or an
increase in incoming solar radiation leads to a rise in the radiative
budget and consequent climate warming, which is amplified by the presence of
multiple climate feedbacks. These feedbacks, from changes in surface
albedo, combined effect of water vapor and the vertical lapse rate of
temperature, and changes in clouds, differ between solar and CO2 forcing.
Using radiative kernels, this study quantifies these individual feedbacks
for an equivalent radiative change caused by an increase in CO2 or incoming
solar radiation, showing how the differences arise from differences in the
meridional patterns of warming. In agreement with prior studies, these
differences can explain the smaller efficacy of solar forcing compared to
CO2 forcing.

With Best Wishes,

G. Bala
Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012

Tel: +91 80 2293 3428; +91 80 2293 2505
Fax: +91 80 2360 0865; +91 80 2293 3425
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