AFAIK, the "3-d" functions were never truly 3-d, more what is sometimes called 2.5-d. That is, all of the operations return the same result, in 2-d, that they would return if the inputs had been 2-d - but then some heuristics are used to come up with a reasonable value for the 3rd coordinate.

So in your example, Regina, the two polygons DO intersect in 2-d. In 2.5-d, there is no way for something to be "above" something else. Think of the z value as the height of the line - not the elevation, but think of the line as having a height, like a ribbon on it's side.

These 2.5-d operations are very useful, particularly the cases which have well-defined results. They are also not compatible with true 3-d operations, but since GEOS doesn't support volumes, (polyhedrons and spheres and the like) true 3-d operations aren't something I think we need to worry about yet.


Obe, Regina wrote:
Well from my observation it looks like most of those Ops functions (not
sure about Union and Intersection) -- first do a 2D operation and then
do some sort of apply the Z back on.  So the Z is never considered in
the basic operation -- thus the cause of a lot of the goofiness.

 Take this example.  It seems clear to me that these polygon's are not
within each other so it should be a multipolygon not a Polygon with a
hole. One lies above the other.

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_BuildArea('MULTILINESTRING((0 0 1,20 0 1,20 20 1,0
20 1,0 0 1),(10 10 2,10 11 2,11 11 2,11 10 2,10 10 2))'))

"POLYGON((0 0 1,0 20 1,20 20 1,20 0 1,0 0 1),(10 10 2,11 10 2,11 11 2,10
11 2,10 10 2))"

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of strk
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:04 AM
To: GEOS Development List
Subject: Re: 3D operations (Re: [geos-devel] C API coordinate

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 07:54:21AM +0000, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Can anyone with more experience with BuildArea (like Martin!) comment
whether this is a GEOS bug or simply a problem with behaviour > 2
dimensions being undefined?

JTS didn't support 3d when I added it to GEOS, so can't really
serve as a source of information. The 3d task was added driven by
customer needs, so the only working and tested functions was the one
the customer needed. If I recall correctly it was mainly Intersection
and probably Union.

Since other functions are based on the former, there may be side-effects
you wouldn't care about if you aren't using 3d features.

Paul draw the specs about expected behaviour. Dunno if there's a doc
around and I likely lost mine (Oops).

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