This conversation seems to have veered off.
Dan asked what I think is a reasonable question:

  Is having working 'make dist' and 'make distclean' targets sufficient to
move to a cmake-only build, or will the goalposts just shift again to some
other metric (like build time, referenced above)?

I have a branch that seems to have an OK 'make dist' target that I'll PR
shortly. I'm not sure that 'make distclean' is actually applicable to the
cmake build process, since 'distclean' as a target is something that
autotools needs to deal with the fact that autotools creates so many build
artifacts that aren't wanted in the source bundle. In a cmake build run
from a separate build tree (not run "in tree" like autotools) the 'dist'
target seems sufficient to our purpose (get a deterministic source tarball)
without a 'distclean' but we'll see.

I am among those who would (a) like to have one build system and (b) would
like cmake to be that build system.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 7:41 AM Sandro Santilli <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 04:16:28PM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> > Install/uninstall steps:
> >
> >   build-cmake$ time sudo make install
> >   real    0m1.514s
> >   user    0m0.403s
> >   sys     0m0.232s
> >
> >   build-autotools$ time sudo make install
> >   real    0m10.302s
> >   user    0m9.643s
> >   sys     0m0.737s
> >
> > Note that the extra time on "make install" for autotools
> > is due to some problematic dependency encoded to deal with
> > GEOS revision flag, used to build final library (not sure
> > a ticket exists for that already)
> After fixing the bug in tools/ these are
> the new timings (cmake twice as fast at install):
>     build-autotools$ time sudo make install
>     real    0m2.905s
>     user    0m2.379s
>     sys     0m0.595s
> --strk;
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