Hi Andrea, thanks for your feedback, please read below. Lines marked with an 
* are my answers. 

 - at the very beginning of the procedure you say to create a "working
 dictionary"... I guess you mean a working directory? 

*  Yes, of course --> fixed in the tutorial 

 - I'm on windows with fwtools, even in the fwtools console
 gdal_retile.py does not work, but calling gdal_retile (without .py)
 does work. 

* gdal_retile is gdal_retile.bat which in turn calls "python gdal_retile.py"
* --> added the windows stuff to the tutorial and the geotools users guide 

 - to get a nice result on the tiles it would be nice to add
 -r bilinear to the command line. I guess you want to add that
 every time anyways, so it's better to add it to the tutorial,
 otherwise people might spend hours building a pyramid that
 does not look good 

* Hmm, I always use nearest neighbour (defautl for gdal_retile), but to be 
safe, it is ok
* --> added "-r bilinear" to the tutorial 

 - a section talking about the pyramid would be nice. Stuff like,
 telling people how many levels to use. If you want to see your
 images only fairly zoomed in, a handful of levels are sufficient
 (but remember to declare a maxScaleDenominator in the SLD Rule),
 but if you want to make a full pyramid, the number of levels
 needed should be something like log(size)/log(2) where size is
 the largest side of the original image 

* --> added the following link to the tutorial 
* --> added calculation hints to the tutorial
* I am confused about maxScaleDenominator. I looked at raster.sld and it is 
not used here.
* I think it is only needed if you want to stop zoom out at a given 
denominater ? 

 - any reason for using 128 pixels tiles? I guess it's just because
 the input image is small, but maybe there is a deeper reason? 

* No there is no deeper reason, its because of  the small input image
* --> added a note about tile size considerations to the tutorial 

 - the configUrl parameter requires a url, and might have to wait
 for a time out if you don't type it properly.
 What about supporting also a straight path on the file system,
 without the protocol, to be chekced with new File(path).exists()? 

* --> Changed param name from configUrl to config and accept files and URLs
* --> Doing the same for cvsUrl and shapeUrl params (not used in the 
tutorial) to be consistent
* --> Updated geotoools user guide and tutorial 

 - in the osm.postgis.xml, 2 = bipolar, but it should actually
 be "bilinear" 

* --> fixed in tutorial 

 - any reason why the dll command creates many little sql statements?
 It would be handier to have just two, one to create the tables,
 the other to drop them... or not?
* Yes, beyond a tutorial, there are many reasons.
* 1) fillmeta.sql is only useable if you use a third party utility to import 
your image data
* 2) For some database systems it is simply not possible (db2 requires grid 
sizes when creating a spatial index,
*    there is an own advise tool for calculating these sizes, useable after 
importing the image data)
* 3) which tablespaces for physical data layout ?
* 4) The intension is that these sql files help the user to create his own 
scripts, fitting for his needs
* 5) It is better to force the user to think over the db design, I want to 
avoid a disappointed users because of a bad db design
    and they do not be aware of it. 

 - the request to put the drivers in lib/ext does not look like a
 very good idea, people might have to use different versions of
 the same jdbc driver in different applications,
 and putting one in lib/ext prevents it. Any way to get the
 same result by using -cp and leaving the jdbc drivers out
 of lib/ext? 

* Look here for the reason: 
* Using the -Xbootclasspath/a: option for a tutorial is unsave, since it is 
an extended option not guaranteed to work on any java runtime. 

 - the import is tedious if one has many levels. Any chance to
 create some convention so that a single command can import
 the whole pyramid? 

* Not really, for an import with world files it would be manageable.
* But if you look at the other possibilities, having a shape file or csv 
* for each pyramid, things get complicated, look here for the possibilities
*  http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/Using+the+java+import+utility 

 - when looking at the result in GeoServer one can see the image
 is stretched compared to the original png. This is actually due
 to the projection, and the fact the original image has probably
 been rendered in a different one (google mercator I guess).
 It would be a good idea to explain the reason for the stretch,
 it might save you some user questions on the topic. 

* It seems that the image uses EPSG:900913, wich is supported in geotools, 
but not in postgis
* --> added an explanaition to the tutorial 

Ok, now I'm moving to try an import a bluemarble image
(single ecw file, 86400x43200) into the database (with 16
levels pyramid, bilinear interpolation, jpeg format).
Well, actually, it's been creating the base level since
15 minutes ago, I guess I'll have to wait quite a bit more
(I guess, a few hours... a nice improvement could be to parallelize
gdal_retile so that it can leverage multiple cores).
Will let you know when/if I finish and get it working :) 

* A full retile job on 80 GB Erdas image on a ppc with 4.2 Ghz needs also 
some hours
* Parallelize is a challenge, i did some investigations, heavy stuff 

Another (easy) idea that came to mind is that it would be
nice to have GWC learn how to read the files of this pyramid
directly. Grab a big image that one cannot server due to
licensing constraints (I'm thinking bluemarble), retile,
serve directly out with the tile cache (eventually learn
how to grab the tiles from the db if the organisation
does not allow data on disk). 

* I had a similiar idea, writing an optional  file backend and reading from 


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