Hmm, I did some bigger images producing some hundred thousand files. To be 
fair, I used linux on ppc and linux on intel, so I have no idea about 
running gdal_retile on windows. 

Andrea, how can I get your test image for trying on my equipment. 



Andrea Aime writes: 

> Andrea Aime ha scritto: 
>> Ok, now I'm moving to try an import a bluemarble image
>> (single ecw file, 86400x43200) into the database (with 16
>> levels pyramid, bilinear interpolation, jpeg format).
>> Well, actually, it's been creating the base level since
>> 15 minutes ago, I guess I'll have to wait quite a bit more
>> (I guess, a few hours... a nice improvement could be to parallelize
>> gdal_retile so that it can leverage multiple cores).
>> Will let you know when/if I finish and get it working :)
> Hum, that actually did not go so well. After creating some
> 56 thousands files in the root directory the command bombed out: 
> gdal_retile -co "WORLDFILE=YES" -ps 256 256 -of JPEG -levels 16 -targetDir 
> tiles -r bilinear world-topo-bathy-200408-3x86400x43200.ecw
> ERROR 2: CPLRealloc(): Out of memory allocating 131080 bytes 
> Hum... memory leak? It does not look like it was done with the
> base level, that would have required the generation of
> (86400 / 256) *(43200 / 256) = 338 * 169 = 57122 jpeg
> files, whilst only 18972 where created (for each jpg file
> there is a .wld and a .jpg.aux.xml too). 
> I'm using fwtools 2.2.8, gdalinfo reports:
> C:\progetti\gisData\bluemarble\tiles>gdalinfo --version
> GDAL 1.6.0dev, FWTools 2.2.8, released 2008/10/29 
> (funny how a FWTools official release uses a
> 1.6.0dev GDAL). 
> Cheers
> Andrea 
> -- 
> Andrea Aime
> OpenGeo -
> Expert service straight from the developers.

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