Moving from geoserver to geotools implies 

1) changing the license statement in all java files
  (btw, I have a lot of xml files for testing. I will put them in a zip file 
before committing.
   Is it necessary to copy the licence into each  xml test file. Then I will 
get nervous)
2) changing the package name
3) moving the documentation from the geoserver to the geotools wiki. I have 
no idea how to do that in a fast way. 

Another question: 

Since I had to fix a bug in the sun xacml implementation and I will have to 
do some improvements (e. g. multivalued attributes)
I took again a look at the license. 

I think there are 3 possibilities 

1) I am working on the SUN code and produce my own sun-xacml.jar, asking you 
or Justin to put it on a repository server (do not know how many times)
2) Integrate the source code into my GeoXACML  source tree (restructuring it 
for a mvn build and commiting as usual).
3) Doing 2) and after the code is stable remove it and doing 1) 

Possibility 2) Is of course the easiest way, but what is the best for the 
project and what are we allowed to do ? 




Andrea Aime writes: 

> Christian Müller ha scritto:
>> I am not sure at the moment where to place the different components of 
>> GeoXACML  
>> 1) Policy Decision Point
>> This component handles xml stuff and authorization decisions, I think 
>> geotools would be the right place.
>> The component could be used universally (like the gml stuff)  
>> 2) Policy Enforcment Point
>> I would put  the base classes also into geotools, doing a special 
>> implementation in geoserver  
>> 3) Policy Administration Point
>> This is an application for the admin, if we do that, I think geoserver is 
>> the right place  
>> I assume that we will need a role based authorization, so we need 
>> additionally  
>> which in turn I would place into geotools  
>> opinions ?
> For the time being I would put all of them into a geoxacml community
> module in GeoServer, makes it easier to develop them, build them
> in one shot, and does not prevent one to move them back into
> GeoTools when you're done, provided you make it clear what their
> license is. GeoServer has always tried to contribute back in GeoTools
> as much as possible, so nobody will try to stop you if/when you
> try to push them back into GeoTools (on the contrary, as I said,
> it's a welcomed move). 
> Cheers
> Andrea 
> -- 
> Andrea Aime
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