Andrea, after the last messages I would propose:
Pass the resolution hint if you are sure that nothing bad can happen. 
However you do it, I rely on getting the hint with feature types having one 
geometry property with the same CRS. 

2) I did a quick implementation of GeneralizingFeatureSource which has a 

public GeneralizingFeatureSource(FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, 
SimpleFeature> baseFeatureSource,
SimpleFeature>> genMap) 

Ok, if I have all feature sources and distances, life is easy. 

Some points where I need some help: 

I think a better solution would be having the feature type names as 
arguments for the constructor and addionally a datastore. This would avoid 
creating unused FeatureSource objects. 

b) I need some plugin mechanismn for a "GeneralizationFinder". We could 
resolve this like the JDBC data store by specifing the classname of the JDBC 
Driver class. A default implementation could read from an xml config file, I 
need another implementation querying the database. 

c) The new GeneralizingFeatureSource objects needs a name. And I have to add 
them to existing data stores. Here I have absolute no idea at the moment. 

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