On 4/1/10 12:21 AM, Gabriel Roldan wrote:
> Hey,
> for the GeoNode process I'm using the
> org.geoserver.data.util.IOUtils.zipDirectory method (indirectly through
> shape-zipping).
> Problem is that this method is taking ownership of its argument
> ZipOutputStream since its calling zipout.finish(), essentially
> preventing the calling code (which owns the zip output stream) to append
> more content to the zip archive.
> As far as I can tell the only code using this is the
> ShapeZipOutputFormat? (for which I'm going to propose a refactor in a
> separate email).

I thought restconfig might be using it as well to send zip files back to 
the client... but I think that could be another method I am thinking of. 
Might want to double check.
> So I would like to prevent the utility method from calling
> ZipOutputStream.finish() at all and instead leave the responsibility to
> the calling code, which I think would be more appropriate.

How about overloading the method with a flag called "finish" and by 
default have it set to true. Then your code can just pass in false. 
Ensures that no client code can break.
> thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Gabriel

Justin Deoliveira
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