> In short, imho, the process as-is can be carried on only by a core
> developer, for the simple reason that running cite tests can
> uncover issues, and those in turn can be fixed only by
> someone that knows GS/GT well.

+a lot.

As someone who wore the Release Manager hat a few times, this was essentially 
my experience.  The CITE tests as part of the release process was the most 
inefficient part, since I could do nothing about any test failures, so I had to 
play whisper-down-the-lane with the core devs.  This back and forth could 
stretch out interminably.

Automating CITE tests would make it much easier to push the rock over the hill. 
 I might even want to volunteer to release again!

Mike Pumphrey
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org

On 5/14/2010 3:31 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Hi,
> looking someone struggingling for the n-th time trying to
> make a release makes me really wonder about the viability
> of the current release process.
> In short, imho, the process as-is can be carried on only by a core
> developer, for the simple reason that running cite tests can
> uncover issues, and those in turn can be fixed only by
> someone that knows GS/GT well.
> And oh, provided you manage to put togheter the necessary black
> magic to make the cite tests to work.
> I consider making GS releases a sort of art (and a test of anyone
> patience).
> Having CITE tests out of the release process would be a great
> step in simplifying the process.
> To do that we have to either give up the confirmation that we're
> still CITE compliant, or we have to consider CITE as a daily
> activity, something that runs automatically just as our normal
> build.
> Do you think it's possible to fully automate the process?
> The bits needed are:
> a) setting up databases: check, it's something that can be done,
>      give the build process a configuration of where the db is
>      and a script that can clean up and rebuild the db and
>      we're in business
> b) starting up and shutting down GeoServer: check, the Start
>      utility class could be used as a starting point for something
>      that starts a GeoServer with a specific configuration,
>      and eventually shuts it down
> c) starting up the CITE tests with a specific configuration:
>      uh, dunno... maybe? This is where I see various issues.
> Issues with teamengine:
> - to run as part of a maven build we'd need to package up
>     and put on repositories the engine and the test suite.
>     This is redistribution. Is that something we can do?
>     If we cannot, I guess we can still resort to some form
>     of private sharing, marking those jars as "provided"
>     and giving to a selected number of people the files along
>     with the instructions to install them in their maven
>     repositories.
> - the teamengine already has command line utilities to start
>     a specific test suite, but I see no way to specify the
>     parameters, which are usually asked for in an interactive window.
>     I see no easy way to state the test parameters manually.
>     This looks like a roadblock
> - Once the suite is run we need to collect the results and
>     declare victory or failure.
>     It's something that can be done by looking into the
>     logs, and seems a bit painful, but doable
> If we can go past the above issues I believe we could
> roll a set of maven modules, each designed to have
> a specific set of dependencies (think about the need
> to exclude WCS 1.1 in WCS 1.0 tests), each performing
> a custom setup (db, files, whatever) and running
> a specific test suite.
> Basically a module to be built for each of the
> CITE tests that we want to run.
> And then imagine Hudson running that every single night.
> Imagine also that you get a report of failures, and you
> can run one of the above builds specifying the exact
> test you want to re-run for debug purposes.
> May not seem much, but to me, compared to what we have
> today, feels like Nirvana.
> Cheers
> Andrea


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