We should probably stick on the user list; unless we are talking about adding 
code - I would love to see a geopdf module for geotools.

Here is some code to set up an iText Graphics:

And to print use the normal streaming renderer examples:
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/01+GTRenderer

I filled in some of the details on that page about printing; try out the code 
and correct as needed.


On 01/02/2011, at 6:38 PM, Frank Gasdorf wrote:

> Hi List, Hi Jody
> First of all, sorry for cross-posting!
> Last Night I had a look at the iText Project [1] Jody has mentioned and I 
> have to dive deeper to get a clue what it does and which part of the API is 
> currently used by geotools/geoserver. 
> What I like to get is a pdf file where the user could use (but not required) 
> the free terrago toolbar [2] to measure distances and areas and type lat/lon 
> coordinates to jump to locations within the pdf. But it is required to have 
> CRS information about the data/content within the document. In addition it 
> would be great to have layers in the hierarchy view (Index) and search 
> capabilities on the feature content (attribute values).
> But however, would't that be nice features for all geoserver/geotools folks 
> and end-users to get a ready to go pdf for the field and have these 
> capabilities.
> Maybe some of you could point me to the code where the pdf stuff is taking 
> place ... I'm going to read the adope pdf documentation [4] to find a hint if 
> some TAGs are missed to act like a geopdf. And properly it's already 
> supported by iText to create the meta information. An other relevant 
> documentation is " at OGC standards best practices home [3].
> Do you think we could create an enhancement in geotools/geoserver for that? 
> Or can we just discuss to find a way how to solve it.
> Thanks for any advice and any suggestions.
> Frank
> [1] iText Project home http://itextpdf.com/
> [2] free toolbar available at 
> http://www.terragotech.com/products/terrago-toolbar/ (registration required)
> [3] ogc best practices geo referenced pdf : 
> http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=40537
> [4] Adope PDF Reference : 
> http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf

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