GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2015-06-23


Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jukka Rahkonen
Jody Garnett
Kevin Smith
Andrea Aime


- Vulnerability disclosure and notification process
- LayerGroup min/max Scale (design discussion)
- Preventing vulnerability with build checks
- CITE Test
- Feature freeze incoming
- Cross layer z-ordering (design discussion)


AA: Create Security (Authentication) and Security (Authorization) to 
replace Security
BCD: email user list: "SECURITY: Remote file disclosure vulnerability 
BCD: add Vulnerability component to GeoServer Jira

Actions from last meeting

- JG: Tag 14-M0 release in GitHub (this was only on ares, so would need 
to ssh in)
- BCD: Release 12.4 / 1.6.2 / 2.6.4 next week! (thanks Ben) [DONE]
- JG/BCD: Send PMC/PSC refresh emails to developer lists [PENDING]
- KS: follow up with gabriel about blob store pull request (done)
- JG: MongoDB datastore request (done)
- KS: kevin to follow up on pull request #707 [PENDING]

Vulnerability disclosure and notification process

What a crazy problem? Fundemental problem with XML parsing (turned on by 
default in most languages) ... except .net :)

Anything else we need Johannes Kröger? Not really although it would be 
nice if he was here.


Add a responsible disclosure process to the developers guide. See 
GSIP-129 for outline.

Discussion on tease out authentication / authorization from security 
reports in jira?

Q: Should we pull the 2.7.1 download link from the website home page?

- still available for download but yeah it is a good idea

Q: Should we make a patch release?

- if we have a volunteer?
- ideas: we could make the release for geoserver alone. Check out the 
tag and apply the patch and then release

Q: Should we email user list?

- Lets do so when the patch release is available?
- Action: Ben to email list now (recommend nightly builds and 2.6.4 
maintenance release)
- Action: AA: edit description / example of GEOS-7032 to minimize casual 
damage (done)


* Edit irresponsible jira reports to avoid the discoverability of 
exploits, while they are being fixed
* Edit jira "description" to link to the developers guide page on 
responsible disclosure. Or put a link in the field description or 
something, custom workflow etc...


* JG: Update based 
on discussion (developers guide and communication page).
* JG can look at custom field and/or workflow
* AA: untangle "authentication" and "authorization" components from 
"security" / "vulnerability" components?

Ben created a new Jira component for GeoServer: Vulnerability: Weakness 
that permits circumvention of security policy: FOLLOW RESPONSIBLE 

- Discussion about getting a CVE

LayerGroup min/max Scale (Design Discussion)

Kevin: reusing layer in different layer groups is difficult as he would 
like the style the same, but control scale/visibility differently in 
each LayerGroup.

Jody: Layer by layer interpolation solution was upsetting to me (as 
clients do not know how many layers in a layergroup). The SINGLE mode

Idea is to add vendor option on a layer by layer basis in LayerGroup. 
Need to discuss this with Mauro?

Treat both interpolation and min/max scale as vendor option.

So during GetMap request the LayerGroup is "unpacked".

Similar approach to:

Preventing vulnerability with build checks

Jenkins plugin may allow us to run automated vunerability check:


Can we make a build profile for this similar to database tests...

Action: need a volunteer or budget to look into this one...

CITE Tests

Any update from Justin after foss4gna? Andrea got a copy and is working 
on it ...

Semi working copy on the command line to get an XML report on pass/fail 
(ie for nightly builds). Kind of useless for debugging failures. Process 
is horibly manual - hand edit files, copy from one place to the other, 
etc.... sounds terrible.

Or stand up local cite server to test locally (must be inside tomcat). 
Good for debugging geoserver to see what is actually wrong.

Jody: We woudl like to help on this if you can send details to 

Feature freeze incoming

Feature freeze is July 18th, no new features beyond that point.

Q: Did we reduce to one month due to low RC feedback?

Jody - if not I am willing to make one. RC feedback has been useless.

Indeed the milestone did not get any feedback (for GeoServer). Jukka 
indicated some feedback on the geoserver user list.

GeoTools feedback has been positive from the LocationTech projets.

Action: Jody - will ask on the developer list about pushing back 
scheduled (Beta in July, RC August, Release September). Feature freeze 
and branch on the RC1.

Cross layer z-ordering (Design discussion)

WMS model: the client decides the main z order

First ordering extension: apply sort-by at the feature type style level. 
Vendor param like sort-by in WFS. This provides in-layer z-ordering. 
Think of road network.

What about rails and road, separate tables, different attributes, OSM 
z-ordering style.

Idea: break a bit the WMS model, if two layers are side by side and 
using the same attributes, then do global ordering in that group.
Add second tag, sort-group, to identify.

- Introduce physical order (ie sorting) to make this repeatable
- Alternate: mark an attribute as "z-order" (this is limiting / confusion)
- Some ability to "group" feature-type styles into the same bucket (ie a 
vendor property "sortGroup: a". Two feature-type styles with same group 
are handled together).
- Need a common attribute to sort on between the two layers?

Stratagy: Take all the features from the two, dump them on disk (typical 
andrea solution). Do a sort merge out of the file dump (avoid memory 
bound and deadlock over database connections). Draw through both feature 
collection at the same time, swapping between the two as the z-order 

Discussion and Ideas:
- KS: Sort on y-order (useful for pretty maps)
- AA: sort on expression (to cover the above)
- JG: Is not the above a requirement (since not all feature collections 
will have a common property to sort or compare on?). AA: this is too 
complicated to live - chances are this is beyond the scope of what we 
are trying to accomplish
- JG: Evaluate expression and record the result in your feature dump. 
Vendor option "sortExpress: a + b"

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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