We should probably keep this topic focused on our strategic question (delay
release due to java 8 incompatibility, or back out java 8 use).

I have no viewpoint a a GeoServer 3 or "Open J Imaging" at this time

Jody Garnett

On 3 March 2016 at 05:55, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <
jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:

> If we shall get the new “Open J Imaging” system this year, how much will
> it break and will it still fit into the 3.x series?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> Andrea Aime wrote:
> If we follow the tradition set for GeoServer 2.x, we should be switch to
> 3.0
> once the JDBCConfig module is ready to become core and act as the
> replacement for the data directory.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 6:08 AM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
> wrote:
> Thank you so much Jody for all your work rounding this up.
> I am +1 to delay the release and upgrade now to Spring 4.
> Support for Java 8 for both users and developers is one of the major
> selling points for the 2.9 release. I think it is worthwhile to clear
> this technical debt so that we can deliver full support for Java 8.
> If we get this out the door in the next month or so, we could even
> consider it a 3.0 release, as we have big changes with both Wicket 7 and
> Java 8. Or would that be GeoTools 9.0 (dropping major version in the
> tradition of Solaris and GeoTools)?  :-)
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 01/03/16 21:42, Jody Garnett wrote:
> > I have gathered up email, notes and conversations here:
> >
> > * https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Spring-4-Upgrade
> >
> > We will be upgrading (one way or another) to Spring 4 shortly.
> >
> > I would like to ask the PSC to review the above, add to it with your own
> > research, and make a decision about:
> >
> > * Temp Fix: Build and Run with Java 8 carefully
> > * Upgrade Now: Delay Release and Migrate to Spring 4
> >
> > We have a couple of outstanding questions, most noticeably contacting
> > Christian with respect to the Security CAS module.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand
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