On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Justin Deoliveira <jdeol...@gmail.com>

> Thanks for the feedback Andrea. Comments inline.
>> Now you are getting me a bit worried... maybe it's nothing, but the
>> request objects were not designed to be returned back to the users,
>> depending on how deep you go dumping them, you might end up revealing
>> information that the admin does not want to be seen, such as for example
>> the security filters being applied by something like GeoFence, or the
>> datastore connection parameters (ok, that would be quite the deep scan in
>> the object tree, but in the end all the info is actually linked and
>> reachable from a GetMapRequest object for example).
>> In other words, is it something that one would want to always have and
>> would come with sane restriction to avoid leaking information, something
>> allowed only to admins, something that it's core vs a plugin?
> Good point. What if we made it an explicit “opt-in” enabled only via
> configuration or a system property, etc…
> Another option could be to simply redact sensitive information when the
> user isn’t the admin… Or do you think there are too many cases of sensitive
> properties to handle?

Hard to tell.. like, would it be ok to stop at any found catalog related
information and just return its name instead of its details, which could
security restrictions (e.g., SecuredFeatureTypeInfo) ?

> Fwiw I wasn’t planning on traversing the object deep enough to get down to
> anything like data store connection information. Just

I was thinking you'd have allowed a user requestable expansion level like
in the importer REST API.
In general, depending on the protocol involved and the request structure
(which might change over time) you might need
to modify how deep you go. I believe at one time we expanded the expansion
level in the logger to get more useful WPS information
for example


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