Il 13 ott 2017 10:13 PM, "Jody Garnett" <> ha scritto:

Thinking about splitting up rest-config ....

We ship the rest api out of the box currently I have not heard of any
deployments where people have used our modular system make a distribution
that does not include the rest api?

I do that regularly for customers, but those are custom builds for high
security environments: no ui, no rest, no way to change the fixed

In other cases I have setups that a more micro-service oriented where the
war supposedly contains a single service.

Finally, the UI is already split on a per service modules, why not have
REST align?

The thing I like most about splitting up rest-config is it would allow the
application to be more modular. If the rest-api is always present is it
worth adding the "rest-config" into the individual gs-wfs and gs-wms

Besides the above feedback, even if rest config was always in, the per
service modules would be in the core packaging anyways of course. So, where
would be the harm, and how would it offset the benefit of a faster build to
the point that we should abandon the idea? (your feedback sounds like a -1)

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