Hi Jody,

You are guessing well: it is all about the Chinese language : for weblate
it is the same language defined twice so it cannot cope with it.

I have to check how weblate can work with having one of the languages in
UTF-8 whereas the other ones are in ISO-8859-1 : I fear that it will mean
to have two components side by side.

 For your last point, it seems to work well for ages: Romanian is mixing
both characters encoding whereas Japanese and Korean are totally with
unicode characters inside a ISO-8859-1 encoded file.


Le jeu. 11 août 2022 à 20:36, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Weblate is a good idea; we held back perviously because of lack of
> hosting. However if OSGeo is able to host :)
> I do not understand about two items for the same language: can you provide
> links in the github repo? Do you mean two properties files; or two entries
> in the same property file. Or two entries in different property files?
> I am guessing you mean two property files for the chinese language; where
> we followed some wicket convention for having property files in different
> encodings. I think we should just use the utf8 encoding? Which is not a
> java standard but wicket supports it.
> -
> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/main/src/web/wms/src/main/resources/GeoServerApplication.properties
> -
> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/main/src/web/wms/src/main/resources/GeoServerApplication_zh.properties
> -
> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/main/src/web/wms/src/main/resources/GeoServerApplication_zh_CN.utf8.properties
> My understanding is we should keep the utf8 properties if weblate is
> willing to understand utf8 encoding??
> About replacing text with unicode; not sure how that works with java
> properties being specified in a in ISO-8859-1 as part of the java api.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 23:11, Alexandre Gacon <alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am studying if we could migrate the translation tooling from Transifex
>> to Weblate. I have started this because with the current setup Transifex
>> is changing a lot of translations when I upload updates of the translation
>> source, making it difficult to do the synchronization between GitHub and
>> Transifex.
>> Weblate is a copyleft libre software and OSGeo is hosting its own
>> instance, already used by several OSGeo projects (postgis, pgrouting and
>> grass gis at least).
>> Thanks to Regina Obe, I have set up a GeoServer project on the OSGeo
>> instance to study how weblate works and if there is something which can
>> prevent us from using it.
>> I have already two points to share with you to get some feedback:
>>    - First, when you configure a component into weblate, you cannot have
>>    two items for the same language, even if they are in a different encoding.
>>    As a consequence, I cannot directly integrate most of the core components
>>    since they contain 2 files for the Chinese language: is it something which
>>    can be changed? Which one is used by GeoServer?
>>    - Second, when you change the translation of a text in weblate, it
>>    automatically replaces special characters by their equivalent in unicode,
>>    even if the character exists in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. For example:
>> org.geoserver.security.GeoServerAuthenticationKeyFilter.name=Clé
>> d'authentification
>> is replaced by
>> org.geoserver.security.GeoServerAuthenticationKeyFilter.name=Cl\u00E9
>> d'authentification
>> (my own change in the translation was to add a space at the end of the
>> string, to match the original layout of the source string)
>> From a technical point of view, it does not break anything but it would
>> make it more difficult to work on a translation without using weblate.
>> Do you see any problems around these two points? Anything else to check?
>> --
>> Alexandre Gacon
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