
As a reminder the start of the mailing list thread when we discussed about 
starting to translate with Transifex: 
 Title was "Translation workflow improvement" but all mails do not appear in 
one thread so best to use also the sort by date view. Before that thread there 
was another one "Geoserver 2.20.0, Encoding German Umlaut-Problems". Conclusion 
from that tile

  *   The way to use ISO-8859-1 with U-codes is reliable for Java 8 and above, 
but it is best to U-encode also some characters which belong to ISO-8859-1 like 
"ä" and "ö" to avoid problems with some Java programs. Weblate seems to do just 
  *   UTF-8 is reliable but works only with Java 11 and above without using 
some tricks.

For anybody who needs to read or edit the properties file with a pure text 
editor the U-coded strings are painful and error prone. Compare 
"\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4" vs. "määrä". Somehow it would feel ideal to change into 
pure UTF-8 when the support for Java 8 is dropped, but a well working and 
open-for-all translation tool and automatic workflows are of course very 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>
Lähetetty: maanantai 15. elokuuta 2022 17.10
Vastaanottaja: Alexandre Gacon <alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>
Kopio: GeoServer <geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Use OSGEO weblate as translation tool - Development 

If you wish to choose weblate I am sure we can work with what it does

On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 12:12 AM Alexandre Gacon 
<alexandre.ga...@gmail.com<mailto:alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Jody,

I had a look at the git history for the UTF8 file: the file was created by you 
by renaming the CN ISO file 
 If I understand the JIRA issue correctly, this was related to the encoding 
issue in the translation files (the same old story) and the idea was perhaps to 
migrate all the translations to UTF-8 encoding.

Weblate UI manages to display the characters in all options:
- ISO-8859 characters in ISO-8859 encoded file
- U encoded characters (\u00e9 for example) in ISO-8859 encoded file
- UTF-8 file

Weblate can read and write either ISO-8859 files or UTF-8 files but inside for 
a given component you can have only one of the two options. For ISO-8859 files, 
weblate can read either ISO-8859 characters (é) and U encoded characters 
(\u00e9) but when you change a translation, it will always be written in U 
encoded characters.


Le ven. 12 août 2022 à 21:46, Jody Garnett 
<jody.garn...@gmail.com<mailto:jody.garn...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
You may have to search back in the geoserver-devel history or bug tracker for 
details. I assume we were provided utf8 translations and wished to preserve 

When using the UI in weblate can folks see the native characters regardless of 
encoding used?

What I remember is that we needed UTF8 to support some chinese characters; but 
the java properties file format is ISO-8859-1 (like the actual format on disk).
Wicket had some naming convention where you could append utf8 to the filename - 
but no other tools understand this.

If I understand you correctly:
- Weblate wants to work with UTF8 if it can?
- Java properties file want ISO-8859-1

Is there any way to hint to weblate what encoding to use? Looks like yes 
I cannot tell from that page if you can choose the encoding of individual 
property files (ie do this manually)?

Following links weblate uses 

Which uses:

Reading through those docs there is an option "--personality=mozilla" which 
would preserve UTF8 characters rather than force them into Latin1 encoding.

On Fri, 12 Aug 2022 at 04:25, Alexandre Gacon 
<alexandre.ga...@gmail.com<mailto:alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I try to keep only the UTF-8 file as the source for Chinese, along with the 
other languages in ISO-8859-1: the display of the file content in weblate is 
totally broken. I have to define another fake component configured to support 
UTF-8 encoding to be able to manage it correctly.

What is the reason to keep the two encoding?


Le ven. 12 août 2022 à 08:26, Alexandre Gacon 
<alexandre.ga...@gmail.com<mailto:alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
Hi Jody,

You are guessing well: it is all about the Chinese language : for weblate it is 
the same language defined twice so it cannot cope with it.

I have to check how weblate can work with having one of the languages in UTF-8 
whereas the other ones are in ISO-8859-1 : I fear that it will mean to have two 
components side by side.

 For your last point, it seems to work well for ages: Romanian is mixing both 
characters encoding whereas Japanese and Korean are totally with unicode 
characters inside a ISO-8859-1 encoded file.


Le jeu. 11 août 2022 à 20:36, Jody Garnett 
<jody.garn...@gmail.com<mailto:jody.garn...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
Weblate is a good idea; we held back perviously because of lack of hosting. 
However if OSGeo is able to host :)

I do not understand about two items for the same language: can you provide 
links in the github repo? Do you mean two properties files; or two entries in 
the same property file. Or two entries in different property files?

I am guessing you mean two property files for the chinese language; where we 
followed some wicket convention for having property files in different 
encodings. I think we should just use the utf8 encoding? Which is not a java 
standard but wicket supports it.


My understanding is we should keep the utf8 properties if weblate is willing to 
understand utf8 encoding??

About replacing text with unicode; not sure how that works with java properties 
being specified in a in ISO-8859-1 as part of the java api.
Jody Garnett

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 23:11, Alexandre Gacon 
<alexandre.ga...@gmail.com<mailto:alexandre.ga...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

I am studying if we could migrate the translation tooling from Transifex to 
Weblate. I have started this because with the current setup Transifex is 
changing a lot of translations when I upload updates of the translation source, 
making it difficult to do the synchronization between GitHub and Transifex.

Weblate is a copyleft libre software and OSGeo is hosting its own instance, 
already used by several OSGeo projects (postgis, pgrouting and grass gis at 

Thanks to Regina Obe, I have set up a GeoServer project on the OSGeo instance 
to study how weblate works and if there is something which can prevent us from 
using it.

I have already two points to share with you to get some feedback:

  *   First, when you configure a component into weblate, you cannot have two 
items for the same language, even if they are in a different encoding. As a 
consequence, I cannot directly integrate most of the core components since they 
contain 2 files for the Chinese language: is it something which can be changed? 
Which one is used by GeoServer?
  *   Second, when you change the translation of a text in weblate, it 
automatically replaces special characters by their equivalent in unicode, even 
if the character exists in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. For example:
is replaced by

(my own change in the translation was to add a space at the end of the string, 
to match the original layout of the source string)

>From a technical point of view, it does not break anything but it would make 
>it more difficult to work on a translation without using weblate.

Do you see any problems around these two points? Anything else to check?

Alexandre Gacon
Geoserver-devel mailing list

Alexandre Gacon

Alexandre Gacon

Alexandre Gacon
Jody Garnett
Geoserver-devel mailing list

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