How much data is going to be served up?  The advantage of more memory would
be that your shapefile disk block would make it in to the OS disk cache, and
then things would go quite fast.  Of course once that happens then you'll
definitely be CPU bound, so if most of your data will fit in the 7g of ram
then the more cpus will be faster.  Arne knows this stuff much better than
I, and he's the one I learned from, but giving less explicit memory to java
and postgis may help (or maybe it's smarter than that).

I guess the other thing to consider is how many concurrent users.  Even with
tiling I think you don't get more than 4 threads per user, so if you only
have a few concurrent users than all the extra cpus won't help much, since
geoserver's renderer doesn't use multiple cpus per thread.

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Ariel Nunez <>wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Gabriel Roldán <>
> wrote:
> > looks like it's only using ~500MB, and 1G for the OS buffers.
> > How're you running tomcat/jetty wrt to heap allocation? Be sure to pass
> > -Xmx as appropriate to the java virtual machine and follow this where
> > applicable:
> > <>
> I have this in
> JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx756m -XX:MaxPermSize=378m
> -XX:CompileCommandFile=/opt/tomcat/conf/hotspot_compiler"
> And logging is set to PRODUCTION, but I have not installed the native
> JAI libs yet.
> > I would go for the 7G RAM/20 cores instance. But that's gut feeling
> > since I really doubt geoserver is gonna need _that much_ memory and
> > think it would appreciate the extra cores.
> Yes, this is also what I would like to do. I guess I will give Tomcat
> around 4 gigs and Postgis 1.5 gigs (I need to host at least two
> GeoServer backends for two different GeoNodes)
> Ariel.
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