On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Ian Turton <ijtur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 April 2011 14:33, Hilmy Hashim <hil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Ian, I see what you mean and it appears to work.
>> But isn't the SRS Handling option "Reproject Native to Declared" meant for
>> changing the srs of your native data?
> Only when your data is lying about it's projection.

It's more complicated that that.

There are three options:
- leave native: to be used when you want to lie to your user, but want
to actually keep on using the math of the original projection. Rarely
ever needed
- force declared: to be used when the native projection is missing or
wrong, will make the native be completely ignored. Works fine as a
default too (that is, when native and declared are the same)
- reproject from native: this actually has two valid usages.
  The first one, for which this was born, is when you have a legit
native SRS that cannot be matched to any official EPSG code. It's
probably some custom projection or some obscure/old national
  By using "reproject to declared" you can choose a valid EPSG code to
be advertised, and publish your data as if it was in that projection.
  The other legit case is then one mentioned by Jukka, you have
standard WFS 1.0 clients that cannot use the srsName parameter (which,
in WFS 1.0, is to be considered a GeoServer vendor extension) but you
still want to provide them a layer in one or more projections (WFS 1.0
wise). You can do that by publishing the same layer multiple times
doing the "reproject from native" dance, changing each time the
declared srs.

Makes sense?


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

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55054  Massarosa (LU)

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