Forgot the link to the tutorial

Zitat von Matthias Müller <>:

> Hi Christian,
> thanks for the hint and appreciation for your work. I am planning to
> use this module on a PostGIS Datastore - if you have a documentation
> I'd really like to read it. Right now I am diving into the subtleties
> of feature generalization.
> Decimal degrees are a bit tricky as the "real" generalisation distances
> increase towards the equator. The choice is to either get too much
> detail when reqesting data at medium or high latitudes or loose detail
> around the equator. (I'll first try the conservative choice and check
> the response times).

The module chooses the generalization level for itself at runtime. The  
idea is not to draw a pixel multiple times for a given pixel dimension  
(WMS request as an example). The amount of net traffic is reduced and  
you have less memory and cpu consumption.

> Cheers,
> Matthias
> Am 25.10.2011 17:16, schrieb
>> Hi, I am the developer. The distance unit is taken from the coordinate
>> system. Decimal degrees for wgs84.
>> What is your backend store, I hope you are not working with shape files.
>> Here is a postgis tutorial, until now I had not the time to write an
>> official one. This tutorial can be adapted to other databases as well.
>> Cheers
>> Christian
>> Zitat von Matthias Müller<>:
>>> Hi,
>>> does anybody have experience with the pregeneralized datastore? I would
>>> really like to try this one a larger dataset which contains complex
>>> polygons in WGS84.
>>> The critical parameter for this module is the "generalisation
>>> distance". - But what is the unit for that distance? Is it in dataset
>>> units (degrees in the case of WGS84 source) or is it in meters?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matthias
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