Ok, no problem.
I just wanted to check if I got something backwards.

Just to clarify; the fact that he can browse the internet does not mean
that he has port 80 open to the world. Just that the server he browses to
does. As a client you will negotiate with the server about a port with a
high number to do the acctual tcp communication over. Port 80 is just the
servers listening port for new connections.
In Ardit's case there is also a router between the client and the server
in the port negotiation.

Atleast, that's what I remember from my network communications class at
the university. But I'm not saying I'm 100% right. I haven't verified it.


Den 11/24/11 8:30 AM skrev Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi>:

>Perhaps I answered a bit too fast. I was just thinking that if the user
>can browse Internet with that computer it is having the port 80 open for
>the world too with some IP address. Unfortunately I realised that I do
>not know much enough about network administrating and my suggestion can
>be of no value.
>-Jukka Rahkonen-
>Olle Markljung wrote:
>> Just qurious,
>> How would that help the fact that his machine is on a local
>> network and that he can't access the (school's?) router? No
>> outside ports will be forwarded to his machine, right?
>> In my world, your suggestion would be valid if the router
>> would be configured with one public incoming ip and one
>> internal for each machine and that port 80 is opened up as default.
>> Perhaps I missunderstood the settings in our case here.
>> 24 nov 2011 kl. 07:36 skrev "Rahkonen Jukka"
>> <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi>:
>> > Hi,
>> > 
>> > Make your Geoserver to run in the default https post 80, or
>> setup a Apache proxy for forwarding traffic from 80 to 8080.
>> > 
>> > -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> > ________________________________
>> > Lähettäjä: Olle Markljung [olle.marklj...@astando.se]
>> > Lähetetty: 24. marraskuuta 2011 8:25
>> > Vastaanottaja: Ardit Sulce
>> > Kopio: Geoserver User List
>> > Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-users] Am I publishing my maps on the internet?
>> > 
>> > Hmm perhaps you are stuck.
>> > 
>> > There might exist ways to go around it if you have access
>> to an outside server  to which you set up a form of ssh-tunnelling.
>> > But, if you have access to the outside server perhaps you
>> can put your Geoserver there?
>> > 
>> > If you have a machine outside (perhaps at home) that can
>> get a public (permanent or dynamic) ip-address everything
>> will be much easier.
>> > 
>> > Good luck,
>> > Olle
>> > 
>> > 24 nov 2011 kl. 03:30 skrev "Ardit Sulce"
>> <arditsu...@hotmail.com<mailto:arditsu...@hotmail.com>>:
>> > 
>> > Hello Olle,
>> > 
>> > Thank you! I see your point. But I don´t have access to the
>> router settings. I am just connecting to the university
>> wireless network. So, as far as I understand now, there is no
>> way to publish my maps from my computer (i.e. webserver), if
>> I am connected to a wireless network, to which I don´t have
>> the rights to configure (i.e. open the port, setup forwarding etc).
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ________________________________
>> > From: <mailto:olle.marklj...@astando.se>
>> olle.marklj...@astando.se<mailto:olle.marklj...@astando.se>
>> > To: <mailto:arditsu...@hotmail.com>
>> arditsu...@hotmail.com<mailto:arditsu...@hotmail.com>
>> > CC: <mailto:geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:geoserver-users@l
>> > Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:08:15 +0100
>> > Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Am I publishing my maps on
>> the internet?
>> > 
>> > Have you opened up port 8080 in your routers settings?
>> > You'll probably also will need to set up port forwarding in
>> the router so that requests to your routers public ip on port
>> 8080 will be forwarded to the machine with Geoserver.
>> > 
>> > Good luck,
>> > Olle
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 23 nov 2011 kl. 19:44 skrev "Ardit Sulce"
>> <<mailto:arditsu...@hotmail.com>arditsu...@hotmail.com<mailto:
>> > 
>> > Hello, this is my first post in this list.
>> > I´ve been trying to work on Geoserver. So far, I have
>> deployed it inside Apache Tomcat and I can successfully see
>> my maps through my internet browsers. I also can access this
>> maps from another computer by entering my Tomcat Apache
>> server IP (exactly, something like this:
>> to the internet browser of the
>> other computer. But, I can access these maps from the other
>> computer only when the other computer is conected to the same
>> wireless network with my computer (the computer where
>> geoserver resides).
>> > So, my first question is: Am I really publishing my maps on
>> the internet?
>> > And if yes, why the other computer cannot see my maps when
>> it is connected to a wireless network different from mine?
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
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