On Sep 19, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Gabriel Roldan <grol...@opengeo.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Tom Kunicki <tkuni...@usgs.gov> wrote:
>> On Sep 19, 2012, at 1:38 PM, Gabriel Roldan <grol...@opengeo.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Tom Kunicki <tkuni...@usgs.gov> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am having an issue with GWC endpoints in GeoServer 2.2 RC-3 ignoring 
>>>> non-default styles.
>>>> I'm running testing GeoServer 2.2 RC-3 with layer backed by vector data 
>>>> served via GWC endpoints including integrated-WMS and WMS-C.  The layer I 
>>>> am testing has 2 available rendering styles.  I've setup an openlayers 
>>>> client (based on 2.12) against the endpoints using 3 service options for 
>>>> base layers; WMS (tiled=false), WMS (tiled=true) and WMS-C.  As expected 
>>>> the latter 2 endpoints cache as verified by performance and investigation 
>>>> of the HTTP-Response Headers.  The issue I have is that the cached 
>>>> endpoints ignore the requested style and always provided tiles rendered 
>>>> with the default style.  The WMS (tiled=false) endpoint reacts as expected 
>>>> when the alternate style is requested.  The options available per-layer 
>>>> ("Create a separate cache for each STYLE" = true) as well as the option 
>>>> under Caching Defaults ("Automatically cache non-default styles') would 
>>>> seem to indicate that non-default styles would be supported and rendered 
>>>> with the GeoServer/GWC integration where the specification of the service 
>>>> used supports it.
>>> I think that probably auto cache styles may not be enabled for your
>>> layers? you'd need to check layer by layer, because if those layers
>>> already existed it is probably not enabled for them?
>>> the setting in the global gwc settings page affect newly added layers,
>>> but every layer has its own setting.
>> Thanks for the response.  "Create a separate cache for each STYLE" was true 
>> for the layer in question.  Based on your comment I took the following steps 
>> in the layer configuration:  disabled caching, saved, reenabled the layer 
>> and per-style caching, saved.  Now everything works.  This is great, thanks.
>> I don't know the exact sequence of steps taken to induce my issue, if I can 
>> reproduce I will submit an issue.  My workflow thus far has been to work 
>> with the per-layer configuration first, then look at the global cache 
>> settings.
> Yes, please do. I'm curious as well and it could certainly have been a bug.

I think i've identified an (the?) issue.  If one creates a new style and adds 
it to the layer after per-style caching is enabled one needs to disable 
cacheing for the layer, save, then reenable it and save again.  Do you need an 
issue submitted for this?  Again, using GeoServer 2.2 RC-3.

This caching is good stuff!


> Cheers,
> Gabriel
>> Thanks again,  Tom.

Tom Kunicki
Center for Integrated Data Analytics
U.S. Geological Survey
8505 Research Way
Middleton, WI  53562

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