
  I'm trying to write a small white paper covering most everything to do with a 
Open Geo installation.  The installation will be in an environment basically 
focused on WFS rendering.  The plan is to use Open Geo to render the features 
to improve performance in OpenLayers.  Currently we're using KML responses 
directly from the WFS servers which can take several minutes to render.  We're 
getting around 100K to 200K features in a response so asking OpenLayers to 
render that is slow.  I need to know what the recommended hardware 
configuration would be to optimize performance.  The initial install will be a 
a single node much like MassGIS has set up.  If it does the job functionally we 
would scale out to several nodes.  That said, I need to be successful up front. 
 All the documentation I can find talks about the minimum needed.  I want to 
know the best, not the minimum.  I'm looking for Cores, Ram, Disk Space.  
Requests are generally around 75K features.
        Responses are usually Tiled WMS-C or WMTS.
        Features consist of Polygons and points, 
       30 concurrent users.  
       Caching is valid for 30 minutes.  
       No more than an initial 100 layers of data.
       Windows 2008R2 Servers  (virtual)

My Thoughts:
    4 Cores
    16GB Ram
    800GB Disk

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