Hi Paolo,
   If you only want tiles to exist for an hour, is it even worth caching
them? Although I guess you'll see what the cache-hit-rate is on the gwc
page ( http://example.com/geoserver/gwc ) which will tell you if it is
worth it.

My geowebcache.xml file is in the gwc subdirectory if memory serves. So

You can reconfigure where this is though -
http://geowebcache.org/docs/current/configuration/storage.html - which is
what I've done and it works well.


On 30 July 2013 10:35, Paolo Corti <pco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list
> I have a layer that is updated frequently, therefore I would like that
> GWC would refresh tiles in order to get latest version of the dataset.
> I (wrongly) assumed that this was an automatic behavior when layer is
> modified at some extent (by adding/updating/removing features), but
> this does not look to be the case, and it seems to me that the only
> way to obtain the desired result is by reseeding the layer.
> I have been then reading the GWC documentation, and apparently the
> <expireCacheList> parameter is what I need to modify.
> According to
> http://geowebcache.org/docs/current/configuration/layers/expiretiles.html:
> "The tag <expireCacheList> controls how old a tile may be before it is
> fetched again from the server. The default value is 0, which means
> never, otherwise it must be specified in seconds."
> I would like to change this parameter in order to refresh tiles every
> - let's say - 3600 seconds.
> Problem here is that I cannot find the geowebcache.xml file in my
> server. I am using the GeoServer GWC embebbed version, and the only
> file similiar to that one looks to be the data_directory/gwc-gs.xml
> (but it has a different structure).
> How is it possible to configure the <expireCacheList> tag in the GWC
> GeoServer embebbed version?
> thanks in advance!
> p
> --
> Paolo Corti
> Geospatial software developer
> web: http://www.paolocorti.net
> twitter: @capooti
> skype: capooti
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