For those wishing to use Sentry for logging, I got it working :-).
I'm using raven-java:

1) Copy the default logger '' file to
2) Open the file in a text editor
3) Change the line that starts with log4j.rootLogger to:
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, geoserverlogfile, stdout, SentryAppender
4) Add the following to the file, change the sentry, key, host and ID :

5) Download necessary jars:
And install them to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
6) I needed to remove my old commons-codec and log4j jars.
7) Restart tomcat
8) Select the new in the Global Settings menu.
9) Voila


On 08/29/2013 11:31 AM, Roland van Laar wrote:
> On 08/28/2013 05:49 PM, Roland van Laar wrote:
>> Hello,
> I started to look at the code for GeoServer this morning.
>> I'm trying to configure Geoserver so that it will log its error to 
>> sentry (
>> There is a raven-log4j which should do this for me.
>> The first step was creating a new log4j logging file.
>> So far I am following the following:
> So far I've found the following:
> - Configuration files should end in, case insensitive.
> - The configuration files are picked up when put in /var/log/tomcat7/
> Probably the log files are loaded before setBaseDirectory in 
> GeoServerResourceLoader is called.
> I did set the datadir in web.xml to 
> /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/geoserver/data
> Any ideas what to do next to import the log files from the data/logs dir?
>> I deployed the latest stable geoserver (WAR) on ubuntu with tomcat 7.
>> I added a GEOTOOLS_DEVELOPER_LOGGING example configuration in the file
>> I added the file in the following directory 
>> /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/data/logs.
>> Next up was a tomcat7 restart.
>> The file didn't show under Logging Profile on the global settings page.
>> What do I need to do differently to let the new logging file show up 
>> on the global settings page?
> Thnx,
>> Thank you,
>> Roland

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