
I wonder if anyone can help.

I'm trying to create an Image Mosaic from some tif files stored on a network 
drive - S:\.

However I can't point Geoserver to a network location in the ImageMosaic 
plugin, just to the local files on the C:\ drive of the server. I've tried 
replacing S:\ with \\server\share<file:///\\server\share> but that doesn't work 

I don't really want to keep a second copy of these files, so is it possible to 
create a mosaic from a network location?

I also tried this 
 Geoserver and Tomcat are both running as services on my installation as in 
this post.

The problem seems to be with this is that it definitely doesn't recognise S:\ 
within the dbf file, and I can't seem to get gdaltindex to write a UNC path.

Any help gratefully received.



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