Just a guess, try to use http://localhost:8080/geoserver/*wps*/"; instead of

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On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:23 PM, constan.amurrio

> Hello to everyone!
> I've been working with some GeoServer processes using OpenLayers as client.
> I've been successful in those which use WFS as input (like
> gs:BufferFeatureCollection). My problem comes when I want to use processes
> that need as input raster data (tiff). I know that OpenLayers is not a WCS
> client, but you can send a POST request to the server to get back the
> result, right?. Particularly I want to execute the
> gs:RasterZontalStatistics, that needs a tiff and a WFS layer as input, and
> returns some statistics (average, min, max, etc.) for the tiff inside the
> geometries of the WFS Layer. This is the code I've used so far:
> ///*GEOPROCESS - Calculate the average/min/max values of the MDE raster
> according to user drawing selection*/
> function obtainElevationProcess(){
>     var wpsFormat= new OpenLayers.Format.WPSExecute();
>     var doc= wpsFormat.write({
>         identifier: "gs:RasterZonalStatistics",
>         dataInputs:[{
>             identifier:'data',
>             reference:{
>                 mimeType:"image/tiff",
>                 href: "http://geoserver/wcs";,
>                 method: "POST",
>                 body: {
>                     wcs: {
>                         identifier:'forestry:mde200_V4',
>                         version:"1.1.1",
>                         domainSubset: {
>                             boundingBox: {
>                                 projection:
> 'http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857',
>                                 bounds: new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(-200931.8344047, 4681799.186142525,32948.35238090271,
> 4948113.428142309)
>                             }
>                             },
>                         output: {format:'image/tiff'},
>                         }
>                         }
>                         }
>                         },
>             {
>                 identifier:"zones",
>                 reference:{
>                             mimeType:"text/xml;
> subtype=wfs-collection/1.0",
>                             href: "http://geoserver/wfs";,
>                             method: 'POST',
>                             body:{
>                                 wfs:{
>                                     version:'1.0.0',
>                                     outputFormat: "GML2",
>                                     featureNS:
> "http://localhost:8080/thesis/forestry";,
>                                     featureType:'forestry:Lics',
>                                 }
>                             }
>                         }
>             }],
>             responseForm:{
>                     rawDataOutput:{
>                         mimeType:"text/xml;subtype=wfs-collection/1.0",
>                         identifier:"statistics"
>                 }
>             }
>             });
>     OpenLayers.Request.POST({
>         url:"http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ows/";,
>         data:doc,
>         headers: {
>             "Content-Type": "text/xml;charset=utf-8"
>         },
>         success: function(response){
>             alert(response.responseText);
>             }
>     });
> }/
> Once executed, OpenLayers returns this message (selection):
> /Process execution ecacba6c-a676-46b5-9010-bd4a2bb35632 failed
> Failed to retrieve value for input data
> Unrecognized request type {service=WCS, Output=image/tiff,
> Identifier=net.opengis.ows11.impl.CodeTypeImpl@1ad2fc (value:
> forestry:mde200_V4, codeSpace: null),
> DomainSubset=net.opengis.ows11.impl.BoundingBoxTypeImpl@111d0b5
> (lowerCorner: [-200931.8344047, 4681799.1861425], upperCorner:
> [32948.352380903, 4948113.4281423], crs:
> http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857, dimensions: null),
> version=1.1.1}</ows:ExceptionText></ows:Exception></ows:ExceptionReport></wps:ProcessFailed></wps:Status></wps:ExecuteResponse>/
> Does anyone an idea about how this can be done (if possible)? My
> environment
> is: Geoserver 2.3.5 / OpenLayers 2.13 / localhost on Apache.
> Help will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Constan.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Use-of-Geoserver-raster-processes-within-OpenLayers-WCS-WPS-problem-tp5092361.html
> Sent from the GeoServer - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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