[Sorry, not trying to intentionally bump, but I think there may have been a
problem with my second post in this thread due to image attachment size ...
so I have linked to it instead.  My second post just showed up blank on
sourceforge.  Original second post below.]

Since there is no response yet (which is ok - not trying to be pushy) ... I
worried that maybe I didn't explain this well enough.  So, I generated an
example of what I am talking about outside of GeoServer and uploaded it


The left part of the image shows what happens if I scale and interpolate
the resultant IMAGE after categorized styling (i.e. a ColorMap) is applied.
 It just becomes blurry and hard to look at.

The right part of the image shows what happens if I scale and interpolate
the DATA and then apply styling (i.e. a ColorMap).  It's a much more
pleasing, smoothing effect.

Is there any way to get this behavior out of GeoServer?  Would I need to go
the route of a writing a custom WPS to do this?

(For reference, the underlying data is weather radar reflectivity data).

Thanks again,

Mike Grogan

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Mike Grogan <d.michael.gro...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Since there is no response yet (which is ok - not trying to be pushy) ...
> I worried that maybe I didn't explain this well enough.  So, I generated an
> example of what I am talking about outside of GeoServer and attached it
> here.
> The left part of the image shows what happens if I scale and interpolate
> the resultant IMAGE after categorized styling (i.e. a ColorMap) is applied.
>  It just becomes blurry and hard to look at.
> The right part of the image shows what happens if I scale and interpolate
> the DATA and then apply styling (i.e. a ColorMap).  It's a much more
> pleasing, smoothing effect.
> Is there any way to get this behavior out of GeoServer?  Would I need to
> go the route of a writing a custom WPS to do this?
> (For reference, the underlying data is weather radar reflectivity data).
> Thanks again,
> Mike Grogan
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Mike Grogan 
> <d.michael.gro...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I have a question related to interpolation of raster data in a WMS.  In
>> an oversampling situation, where I am zoomed in past the native resolution
>> of my data, what exactly is interpolated?  The rendered image or the source
>> data?
>> For instance, I have a single banded geotiff that contains gridded data
>> values (not RGB colors) to which I apply a ColorMap within an SLD.
>> When interpolation (bilinear, cubic, etc.) is applied, is the
>> interpolation applied to the full-color RGB output image after styling is
>> applied or to the source data from the single banded geotiff before the
>> ColorMap is applied?
>> I am thinking it is applied to the full-color RGB after applying the
>> ColorMap, because the only real outcome I see is more of a blurring, which
>> I expect if now all 3 RGB bands are being interpolated and then added back
>> together.  This is because I am now interpolating colors, not data, right?
>> If the underlying data were being interpolated first, and then the
>> ColorMap applied, wouldn't I expect more of a smoothing, rather than
>> blurring, outcome to the interpolation?
>> It is this smoothing of the single band source data, rather than
>> interpolation of expanded RGB output after the map is applied, that I am
>> after when I am oversampling ... or zoomed in past the native resolution of
>> my gridded data.
>> Is there a way to accomplish this in GeoServer?
>> Are there major holes in my assumptions above and/or am I just not
>> thinking about this clearly?
>> Thanks again,
>> Mike Grogan
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