
I believe that this is totally grey are in WCS 1.0.0 but for WCS 2.0 there 
seems to be two papers which are not official standards but maybe sort of 

From the first one you can read that both pixel is area and pixel is point are 
supported if GeoTIFF coverages:

Requirement 9 /req/geotiff-coverage/pixel-is-area: The domain of a coverage 
using GeoTIFF encoding shall respect the coverage’s raster space as defined in 
the GeoTIFF specification [GeoTIFF] i.e. in PixelIsArea the first pixel-value 
fills the square grid cell with the bounds top-left = (0,0), bottom-right = 
(1,1) and in PixelIsPoint the first pixel-value is realized as a point value 
located at (0,0).

I recommend to read the whole document but  according to this excerpt the 
georeferencing info that is written as a rectified grid in GML will be slightly 
different for PixelIsArea and PixelIsPoint. The origin and offsetVectors are 
the same but the BoundedBy area is half a pixel wider to all directions for 
PixelIsArea than for PixelIsPoint.

Note The definition of grids in GML 3.2 [OGC 07-036] clause 19.2.2 which GMLCOV 
is based on reads as: “When a grid point is used to represent a sample space 
(e.g. image pixel), the grid point represents the center of the sample space 
(see ISO 19123:2005, 8.2.2).”. Image pixel in this GML quote denotes the same 
as image space in GeoTIFF terminology. In a gml:RectifiedGrid used with 
PixelIsArea this applies to the gml:origin element which is therefore shifted 
by half a gml:offsetVector in both dimensions compared to the gml:boundedBy 
Note GMLCOV does not store the raster type i.e. PixelIsArea or PixelIsPoint 
information in its current version. However, Requirement 9 above specifies that 
the gml:boundedBy element shall respect the raster type i.e. it shall include 
the half pixel border in case of PixelIsArea (see also Figure 1).

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Andrea Aime wrote:

Hi Andrew,
in geotools we call this issue "pixel is center" vs " pixel is corner".
OGC mandates the "pixel is center" interpretation as far as I know, see also:

As far as I know, GeoTools tries to work "pixel is center" from beginning to 
end, and there
are no ways to control that, also, WCS follows the OGC interpretation strictly 
and does not
offer a way to return "pixel is corner" rasters, but I may  be wrong.
I'm cc'ing Daniele, he should know more on this matter.

That said, especially in WCS 2.0, built to be extensible, one could put 
together a vendor profile that allows controlling
the pixel interpretation for the outputs.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Andrew Annex 
<aan...@ccri.com<mailto:aan...@ccri.com>> wrote:
Hello GeoServer users,

I am making wcs 1.0.0 requests for geotiffs against a coverage layer.
Does GeoServer support returning geotiffs via wcs that are "Point"
instead of "Area" pixels for the meta-data value: "AREA_OR_POINT"? This
metadata field is further explained here:
http://www.gdal.org/gdal_datamodel.html. By default the geotiff writer
assumes area, and that writer appears to be used in the
GeoTIFFCoverageResponseDelegate. Is there some way to set this as a hint
in the wcs query url or is there something I can overwrite when
extending the AbstractGridCoverage2DReader and/or the AbstractGridFormat
so that the ResponseDelegate will pick up on that hint? Although it may
not matter I am working with geoserver 2.5.2 / geotools 11.2.

Also if this question is more appropriate for the geotools user list let
me know.

Thanks - Andrew

- Andrew Annex, Data Scientist.
- (434)-284-9405 ext. 153<tel:%28434%29-284-9405%20ext.%20153>

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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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