On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Luís de Sousa <luis.a.de.so...@gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> I am working on an application that uses coverages from different
> services. I am using WCS 1.1.1, that is kind of supported by both
> MapServer and GeoServer.
> For each coverage I must fetch information on the available CRSs, the
> WGS84 bounding box and so forth. MapServer reports all this metadata
> in the DescribeCoverage response, but GeoServer spreads it between the
> GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage responses. Thus for Geoserver I
> must execute both requests and then merge the metadata.
> However, there is a major problem with the responses returned by
> GeoServer: different coverage identifiers are reported in each
> request.
> Take for example the response to this GetCapabilities:
> http://extragisqa.gent.be/geoserver/Gent/ows?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
> It advertises a coverage with the identifier "dsm2003":
> <wcs:CoverageSummary>
> <ows:Title>DSM Gent 2003 2.5m</ows:Title>
> <ows:Abstract>Generated from GeoTIFF</ows:Abstract>
> <ows:Keywords>
> <ows:Keyword>WCS</ows:Keyword>
> <ows:Keyword>GeoTIFF</ows:Keyword>
> <ows:Keyword>DSM_ghent_2.5m_buildings_2003</ows:Keyword>
> </ows:Keywords>
> <ows:WGS84BoundingBox>
> <ows:LowerCorner>3.552395176113043 50.972191859666644</ows:LowerCorner>
> <ows:UpperCorner>3.8693954783075153 51.1896845261209</ows:UpperCorner>
> </ows:WGS84BoundingBox>
> <wcs:Identifier>dsm2003</wcs:Identifier>
> </wcs:CoverageSummary>
> Then issuing a DescribeCoverage request:
> http://extragisqa.gent.be/geoserver/Gent/ows?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=DescribeCoverage&IDENTIFIERS=dsm2003
> This coverage is now identified as "Gent:dsm2003":
> <wcs:CoverageDescription>
> <ows:Title>DSM Gent 2003 2.5m</ows:Title>
> <ows:Abstract>Generated from GeoTIFF</ows:Abstract>
> <ows:Keywords>
> <ows:Keyword>WCS</ows:Keyword>
> <ows:Keyword>GeoTIFF</ows:Keyword>
> <ows:Keyword>DSM_ghent_2.5m_buildings_2003</ows:Keyword>
> </ows:Keywords>
> <wcs:Identifier>Gent:dsm2003</wcs:Identifier>
> With different identifiers it is not possible to merge the metadata.
> For starters, I would like to know if there is a way to fix this.
> Could this be caused by something wrong with the configuration? Or is
> it a bug?

Looks like a bug, the code is doing two different things in the two places.

> Could an upgrade solve it? I do not have direct access to
> this GeoServer instance, but it seems to be running version 6.4.3.

No, the current code still has the issue

> A secondary question would concern the spread of metadata across both
> responses. Why isn't information such as the WGS84 bounding box, for
> instance, reported in the DescribeCoverage response?

Don't think there is a significant choice made there, it just happened, and
far as I know, it's valid behavior. A client should not make assumptions
everything is in one place, but if you want, you can make a pull request
to change the current code and put everything you need in the capabilities.


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
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