Dear all,

I am working on an application that uses coverages from different
services. I am using WCS 1.1.1, that is kind of supported by both
MapServer and GeoServer.

For each coverage I must fetch information on the available CRSs, the
WGS84 bounding box and so forth. MapServer reports all this metadata
in the DescribeCoverage response, but GeoServer spreads it between the
GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage responses. Thus for Geoserver I
must execute both requests and then merge the metadata.

However, there is a major problem with the responses returned by
GeoServer: different coverage identifiers are reported in each

Take for example the response to this GetCapabilities:

It advertises a coverage with the identifier "dsm2003":

<ows:Title>DSM Gent 2003 2.5m</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Generated from GeoTIFF</ows:Abstract>
<ows:LowerCorner>3.552395176113043 50.972191859666644</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>3.8693954783075153 51.1896845261209</ows:UpperCorner>

Then issuing a DescribeCoverage request:

This coverage is now identified as "Gent:dsm2003":

<ows:Title>DSM Gent 2003 2.5m</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Generated from GeoTIFF</ows:Abstract>

With different identifiers it is not possible to merge the metadata.

For starters, I would like to know if there is a way to fix this.
Could this be caused by something wrong with the configuration? Or is
it a bug? Could an upgrade solve it? I do not have direct access to
this GeoServer instance, but it seems to be running version 6.4.3.

A secondary question would concern the spread of metadata across both
responses. Why isn't information such as the WGS84 bounding box, for
instance, reported in the DescribeCoverage response?

Any clarifications are welcome. Thank you for reading,


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