I'm doing testing on how GeoServer runs on Java 8 (Although compiled with
Java 7).  As yet I'm not seeing any issues, including when I run the unit
tests for the release profile.  I'll be throwing some automated stress
tests at it today.

There's no particular reason to expect this to be problematic but I'd like
to confirm so does anyone have any experience running in Java 8, be it an
interesting a failure or a boring success?  Especially if it was in
production or involved any attempt to do thorough testing.

I know the topic of running on Java 8 has come up before I expect we won't
fully lay it to rest until we can build reliably under Java 8, but I would
like to get something a bit more solid than "it should work" or "it seems
to work".


Kevin Smith

Software Engineer | Boundless <http://boundlessgeo.com/>



@boundlessgeo <http://twitter.com/boundlessgeo/>


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