Hello all,
I've been testing the 2.8-RC build to see if the updated NetCDF support (both 
netcdf and netcdf-output plugins) could provide the functionality we need.  Our 
use case involves hosting 1-n NetCDF model forecast files and providing both 
WMS and WCS access in different projections.  In my test setup I created an 
ImageMosaic store with sub-directories for each parameter.  After publishing 
the necessary layers I am able to visualize each different parameter via the 
Layer Preview, however it seems that WCS only works for the first layer 
published from the Store.  WCS 2.0.1 requests for other layers from the Store 
result in the exception text of "Failed to read the coverage xxx".

The server throws a stacktrace with the following errors:

ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.wcs2_0.exception.WCS20Exception: Failed to read the coverage xxx
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

Has anyone else seen this issue?

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