Hello everyone, 

I have some issues with my geoserver instance. I am working with geoserver 
2.8.2, with the GRIB and INSPIRE plugins. The GRIB files I serve are not that 
big (30 files, ~2Mo each). 

When an user starts requesting a map with an extreme zoom, Geoserver is not 
able to render the map : A process runs during more than one hour, without any 
result. These requests accumulate and the whole server can not satisfy any 
request anymore. 

Here is a example of a box that causes this problem : 

I kept the maximum rendering time to 120 seconds in WMS options, but it does 
not seem to have an impact. 

Does someone have an idea to fix this problem ? 
The amount of data I have is quite small at the moment, and the fact that one 
user is able to absorb the whole server load with a few requests is worrisome. 

Thank You. 

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