Hi Chris

Please can you check using a WMS request.

I never tried with WMTS.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Chris Buckmaster <
chris.buckmas...@runnymede.gov.uk> wrote:

> Saying that, I am now having problems being able to display the layer
> through Openlayers 3.
> This is probably more a question for an Openlayers 3 community discussion,
> but the issue is as follows – I presume we can use authkey with WMTS
> requests?
> I have used the generated authkey for my ‘test’ user and included it
> within my Openlayers 3 code to add the layer to the map, but I receive an
> HTTP 400 request error.
> An example request is here: http://maps.runnymede.gov.uk/
> geoserver/gwc/service/wmts?authkey=2ad648df-372f-4e29-
> 9cc1-44e3635ae07e&layer=transport%3Aadopted_highways&
> style=adopted_highways&tilematrixset=EPSG%3A27700&
> Service=WMTS&Request=GetTile&Version=1.0.0&Format=image%
> 2Fpng&TileMatrix=EPSG%3A27700%3A5&TileCol=104&TileRow=169
> My code is as follows:
> var layer118 = new ol.layer.Tile({
>     source: new ol.source.WMTS({
>         url: '../../geoserver/gwc/service/wmts?authkey=2ad648df-372f-
> 4e29-9cc1-44e3635ae07e',
>         layer: 'transport:adopted_highways',
>         style: 'adopted_highways',
>         matrixSet: 'EPSG:27700',
>         projection: bng,
>         format: 'image/png',
>         tileGrid: new ol.tilegrid.WMTS({
>             origin: [-238375, 1376256.0],
>             resolutions: resolutions,
>             matrixIds: ["EPSG:27700:0", "EPSG:27700:1", "EPSG:27700:2",
> "EPSG:27700:3", "EPSG:27700:4", "EPSG:27700:5", "EPSG:27700:6",
> "EPSG:27700:7", "EPSG:27700:8", "EPSG:27700:9", "EPSG:27700:10",
> "EPSG:27700:11", "EPSG:27700:12", "EPSG:27700:13"]
>         })
>     }),
>     id: 'transport:adopted_highways',
>     name: 'layer118',
>     label: 'Adopted Highways',
>     visible: false
> });
> map.addLayer(layer118);
> Chris
> *From:* Chris Buckmaster
> *Sent:* 16 August 2016 09:37
> *To:* Christian Mueller
> *Cc:* geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?
> Hi Christian
> I managed to get this working in the end – I think I wasn’t clicking the
> synchronise button at the correct time and got a bit confused with the
> procedure I needed to follow!
> I know have keys available to use – thank you for replying.
> Cheers
> *From:* Christian Mueller [mailto:christian.muel...@os-solutions.at
> <christian.muel...@os-solutions.at>]
> *Sent:* 16 August 2016 09:36
> *To:* Chris Buckmaster
> *Cc:* geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?
> Hi Chris, some questions
> Did you add your new user "default" user group service ?
> Then the default user/group is correct.
> Did you add your user to authkeys.propeties ?
> Cheers
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Chris Buckmaster <
> chris.buckmas...@runnymede.gov.uk> wrote:
> I’ve found I needed to install the module which I have done – my next
> question!
> To do a basic test, I have set up a new user called ‘test’ with a new role
> called ‘TEST’ which my ‘test’ user is a part of; in my ‘Data Security’ I
> have set one layer to be accessed by the ‘TEST’ role.
> What I want to do is create an authkey for the user ‘test’ but I cannot
> seem to find it in the User/Group Service drop down (I only have ‘default’)
> and do not understand what the options are under ‘Authentication key to
> user mapper’.
> Is there documentation somewhere to explain this module, or would anyone
> know how I can create an authkey for my user ‘test’?
> Thanks
> *From:* Chris Buckmaster
> *Sent:* 12 August 2016 11:51
> *To:* geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?
> Hi
> I would like to explore the authkey module in Geoserver 2.5 to see if it
> is something that could be useful for my setup.
> After looking at the manual, I cannot seem to find the authkey
> authentication filter within my Authentication area, only; J2EE,
> Anonymouse, Remember Me, Form, X.509, HTTP Header, Basic and Digest.
> Do I need to configure something for the authkey option to appear?
> Thanks
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> DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
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DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH
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