Hi Christian

I noticed the ‘Enable Data Security’ option within GeoWebCache so enabled this, 
I now receive an HTTP 200 response in my OL3 application which is positive but 
I think there is still an issue related to an exception code? My response is:

<ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows"; 
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; version="1.0.0" 
<ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">
org.geotools.ows.ServiceException: Could not find layer 
transport:adopted_highways Could not find layer transport:adopted_highways

I will also try a WMS request.

Thank you

From: Christian Mueller [mailto:christian.muel...@os-solutions.at]
Sent: 16 August 2016 12:03
To: Chris Buckmaster
Cc: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?

Hi Chris

Please can you check using a WMS request.

I never tried with WMTS.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Chris Buckmaster 
Saying that, I am now having problems being able to display the layer through 
Openlayers 3.

This is probably more a question for an Openlayers 3 community discussion, but 
the issue is as follows – I presume we can use authkey with WMTS requests?

I have used the generated authkey for my ‘test’ user and included it within my 
Openlayers 3 code to add the layer to the map, but I receive an HTTP 400 
request error.

An example request is here: 

My code is as follows:

var layer118 = new ol.layer.Tile({
    source: new ol.source.WMTS({
        layer: 'transport:adopted_highways',
        style: 'adopted_highways',
        matrixSet: 'EPSG:27700',
        projection: bng,
        format: 'image/png',
        tileGrid: new ol.tilegrid.WMTS({
            origin: [-238375, 1376256.0],
            resolutions: resolutions,
            matrixIds: ["EPSG:27700:0", "EPSG:27700:1", "EPSG:27700:2", 
"EPSG:27700:3", "EPSG:27700:4", "EPSG:27700:5", "EPSG:27700:6", "EPSG:27700:7", 
"EPSG:27700:8", "EPSG:27700:9", "EPSG:27700:10", "EPSG:27700:11", 
"EPSG:27700:12", "EPSG:27700:13"]
    id: 'transport:adopted_highways',
    name: 'layer118',
    label: 'Adopted Highways',
    visible: false


From: Chris Buckmaster
Sent: 16 August 2016 09:37
To: Christian Mueller
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?

Hi Christian

I managed to get this working in the end – I think I wasn’t clicking the 
synchronise button at the correct time and got a bit confused with the 
procedure I needed to follow!

I know have keys available to use – thank you for replying.


From: Christian Mueller [mailto:christian.muel...@os-solutions.at]
Sent: 16 August 2016 09:36
To: Chris Buckmaster
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?

Hi Chris, some questions

Did you add your new user "default" user group service ?

Then the default user/group is correct.

Did you add your user to authkeys.propeties ?


On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Chris Buckmaster 
I’ve found I needed to install the module which I have done – my next question!

To do a basic test, I have set up a new user called ‘test’ with a new role 
called ‘TEST’ which my ‘test’ user is a part of; in my ‘Data Security’ I have 
set one layer to be accessed by the ‘TEST’ role.

What I want to do is create an authkey for the user ‘test’ but I cannot seem to 
find it in the User/Group Service drop down (I only have ‘default’) and do not 
understand what the options are under ‘Authentication key to user mapper’.

Is there documentation somewhere to explain this module, or would anyone know 
how I can create an authkey for my user ‘test’?


From: Chris Buckmaster
Sent: 12 August 2016 11:51
Subject: [Geoserver-users] authkey module in Geoserver 2.5?


I would like to explore the authkey module in Geoserver 2.5 to see if it is 
something that could be useful for my setup.

After looking at the manual, I cannot seem to find the authkey authentication 
filter within my Authentication area, only; J2EE, Anonymouse, Remember Me, 
Form, X.509, HTTP Header, Basic and Digest.

Do I need to configure something for the authkey option to appear?


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DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH


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DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH

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