That sounds like a regression to me, when I'm back at my desk, I'll dig out
the previous tests and check how that slipped in.

Can you raise a bug in the meantime so I don't forget.


On 13 Oct 2016 16:28, "Walter Stovall" <> wrote:

> Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately following that path does not work for
> me.  I still end up with dates that are one-behind.
> This was discovered with a more complicated arrangement, but I have this
> problem in my simple test environment where my geoserver is deployed to a
> local tomcat 8 on my Windows workstation.  This is a computer setup for
> Eastern Standard Daylight time (which is an offset of -05:00).
> I browse to my http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web webapp and run the
> Demo page where I paste in the WFS-T Insert request I showed earlier that
> inserts a date of 01/04/2016.  Then I see a new row has showed up in my
> back-end Oracle table where geoserver is storing these features with the
> OracleNGDataStore.  Selecting the date from that row, I get 01/03/2016.  If
> I drill down by asking Oracle to show the time too I’ll get 03-jan-2016
> 19:00:00.  So obviously “somebody” is applying the -05:00 offset by the
> time the data is given to the Oracle driver. fwiw the Oracle dbtimezone is
> -04:00 but that hardly matters because Oracle expects to be given the data
> in the “correct” timezone and just stores what you give it.
> I’ve already discovered by watching the geoserver log that Oracle is
> receiving the wrong value.
> To find out more I build an eclipse workspace that includes geoserver and
> geotools and attach to the running tomcat.
> So first I break in the debugger at SimpleFeatureImpl which is getting hit
> by the SAX parsing invoked by WfsXmlReader.  The *values* object array
> there has a date of “2016-01-03” (which is the toString output of
> Gregorian$Date with a fastTime of 1451865600000). This is ultimately going
> to become Jan 3 19:00 stored in Oracle.  So I know things are bad already.
> Backtracking to see where things went wrong I back all the way up to where
> the Jan 4 date is getting parsed out of the XML for my WFS-T insert
> request.  I stop at XsDateTimeFormat.parseObject(String, ParsePosition,
> boolean) and in there I see where there’s an assumption that the timezone
> will ALWAYS be GMT…
>         *if* (parseTime) {
>             tz = TimeZone.*getTimeZone*(digits.toString());
>         } *else* {
>             // there's no meaning for timezone if not parsing time
>             //
>             tz = TimeZone.*getTimeZone*("GMT");
>         }
>         Calendar cal = Calendar.*getInstance*(tz);
> So regardless of environment variables etc. I know that at this stage my
> incoming date is always represented as Jan 4 2016 GMT.  It would appear
> that later this gets represented as EDT (my timezone) and becomes Jan 3
> 19:00.
> So I patched my code just now to call TimeZone.getDefault() instead of
> using “GMT” specifically.  Now what gets stored in my database is correct,
> Jan 4 00:00.
> As to whether this specifically is a fix and whether similar problems wait
> for me with datetime vs. just date, I’m unclear at this point.
> What are your thoughts about this?  Do I have a way to make it work
> without a code change?
> Thanks for your help Ian!
> Regards Walter Stovall
> *From:* Ian Turton []
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 9:54 AM
> *To:* Walter Stovall <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS will not read the same date that it
> stores
> The GeoTools/GeoServer data handler should use the timezone of the server
> (so if that is set to GMT then you need to convert before sending). This
> allows for servers where clients can be in multiple timezones and need to
> agree a fixed timezone when communicating with the server.
> If you are the only user of the client/server then you should be able to
> set the timezone on the server and client to the same one and it should all
> just work (tm).
> Ian
> On 13 October 2016 at 14:33, Walter Stovall <>
> wrote:
> Using GeoServer2.8 I’m having a very basic problem with WFS-T inserting a
> feature that has date fields.  When I do a GetFeature to retrieve the date
> I inserted, I get a value that’s one-day prior to the date I inserted.
> This appears to be related to the GeoTools xsDateTimeFormat class used to
> read the incoming XML on my insert-request and the code’s assumption that
> the incoming date is in the GMT timezone.  Do clients of WFS have to
> convert all their dates to GMT before inserting them??
> Here is an example transaction that I use for insert…
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Transaction
>   xmlns="";
>   xmlns:gml="";
>   xmlns:ogc="";
>   version="1.0.0"
>   service="WFS">
>   <Insert>
>     <LAYER1 fid="none">
>     </LAYER1>
>   </Insert>
> </Transaction>
> Then I read it back with…
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <GetFeature
>   xmlns="";
>   xmlns:fdot="";
>   xmlns:gml="";
>   xmlns:ogc="";
>   version="1.0.0"
>   service="WFS"
>   outputFormat="JSON">
>   <Query typeName="LAYER1">
>     <ogc:Filter>
>       <ogc:FeatureId fid="LAYER1.7649040"/>
>     </ogc:Filter>
>   </Query>
> </GetFeature>
> In the JSON output I find…
> "INSTALLED_DATE":"2016-01-03Z"
> So I stored 1/4/2016, I read back 1/3/2016.
> My back-end datastore is Oracle. When I select directly from the database
> I find the wrong value there too.
> SELECT TO_CHAR(installed_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')…
> This gives me… 03-jan-2016 19:00:00.
> How do I set things up so a WFS client that stores 1/4/2016 gets 1/4/2016
> back?
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