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Aside: this was sent todevel-list (for those working on geoserver), the is used for questions.

Jody Garnett

On 22 August 2017 at 11:59, Olyster <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I need to add a dynamic copyright text to an wms layer as data is provided
> by multiple data providers.
> For each wms request, a copyright will be added (ex bottom right) with the
> name of the data providers of the viewed region (bbox).
> I have a polygon layer in Oracle Spatial which contains the areas of data
> and the name of the providers related to them. A simple spatial query using
> the bounding box (wms_bbox) will return the names of the data providers to
> display in the copyright.
> The copyright will change on each pan and/or zoom according to the area
> that's being viewed.
> The dirtiest solution would be to add the polygon layer labeled with the
> provider name filed and using SLD to displace labels at the bottom right. I
> read that the labeling engine should be able to prevent overlapping of the
> labels so it would therically work.
> The other way would be to create a custom function. I'd get the bounding
> box
> via wms_bbox, perform the spatial query to get the provider names and then
> format the strings to be displayed. How would I place a string on the map ?
> Maybe by creating a temporary geometry and use the formatted string as a
> label ?
> How would you handle this problem ?
> Again the whole process is quite simple :
> wms request --> call oracle spatial to get data providers name--> show
> those
> providers on the map.
> I hope my explanation is clear.
> Thanks for your help.
> --
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