Great. Thanks for the info! I'll write up this issue with
preparedStatements not getting simplified. I did not realize that about
performance with prepared statements on postgres.

Jason Newmoyer
Newmoyer Geospatial Solutions

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 3:51 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Jason Newmoyer <
>> wrote:
>> Okay, I changed PreparedStatements to false and now it is using
>> ST_Simplify!
>> I think that should be considered a bug and I'll be happy to write it up.
> Yep. Though, if you care about performance you should not be using
> prepared statements against postgresql
> (yes, I know, Oracle brainwashed us with prepared statements always on,
> but for GIS PostgreSQL makes
> smarter choices when they are off, although the most recent version of
> postgresql became smarter and
> learned to re-plan a prepared statement based on the current bound values
> so... not sure how well that
> works, it may be that with the latest version of postgresql the setting
> became irrelevant performance wise).
>> I'm still interested in the question of using simplify for geometry
>> transformations is SLD. It seems like all the pieces are there to make it
>> happen. Would give map authors ultimate flexibility for cases like this.
> In SLD it's likely useless or detrimental, GeoServer already does geometry
> decimation before rendering (unless the
> store does it on its behalf, that is).
>> The on the fly simp is great. How is the scale factor determined? Would
>> it make sense to have that be configurable?
> It's computed to be 0.8 on screen pixels (transformed back to real
> coordinates of course). If a database
> It is not configurable, if you want to play with it try changing
> RenderedImageMapOutputFormat in GeoServer
> and call setGeneralizationDistance on the StreamingRenderer instance.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> Regards,
> Andrea Aime
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