Hello All,
I am currently setting up WFS 2.0.0 Services for INSPIRE Annex I. The data 
transformation is realised with HALE and Appschema and the services are 
published with Geoserver. While publishing the road transport network I 
encountered a problem regarding the namespaces. Strangely some of the 
namespaces are incorrect in the resulting Appschema.
As you can see below there appears nns instead of net and nns1 instead of tn.

ns3:AppSchemaDataAccess xmlns:ns2="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"; 

The only way to fix the problem, I found so far, is to manually replace the 
namespace prefixes in the appschema after the direct upload and then delete the 
incorrect namespaces from the server and restart.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Kind regards
Sonja Haas
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