Great Niels,

We're gonna get right on this and we'll get back to you on the progress and
if we find something interesting.

I appreciate it.

Steve Ochieng

On Nov 15, 2017 17:02, "Niels Charlier" <> wrote:

> Steve,
> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea about
> dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your decision
> because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle neck
> (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard drive.
> The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned by the
> spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can call
> /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I hope
> you can use this somehow.
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
> need to be performant urgently.
> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for clustering,
> it
> also
> ​ ​
> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this email
>> also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are related
>> to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would make a
>> huge difference.
>> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to the
>> work I am doing for this module.
>> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
>> Regards
>> Niels
>> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should just
>> drop
>> JDBCConfig, since:
>>    - mails related to it are not really getting answered
>>    - pull requests related to it are sitting there not getting reviewed
>> We still have to see if there is some interested, but we need someone to
>> champion the module
>> just enough to make it worth keeping around (I'm not talking about
>> immediate answers, it's
>> a community/unsupported module, but at least some presence).
>> I'm also going to ping the people making pull requests.
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
>>> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case that
>>> jdbcconfig doesn't take good use of its cache and repeatedly sends the same
>>> queries over and over again. It looks promising but I still need to do some
>>> improvements and write some tests and I had other work coming on top of it.
>>> But this is definitely coming.
>>> Also, I wrote some code in geoserver for myself to conveniently export
>>> the jdbc catalog back to the file system. I found a way to do this easily
>>> by firing a bunch of catalog change events to the file system catalog.
>>> However, I am not sure to make it easily available to end users at this
>>> point, I assume that just giving you the code won't be very helpful for
>>> you. Perhaps we can work something out if you are interested.
>>> Regards
>>> Niels
>>> On 09-11-17 11:02, Steve Omondi wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have *JDBCConfig* enabled and connected to a Postgres DB. I have over
>>> 500 layers spread across different workspaces and layergroups.
>>> After running performance tests for GetMap requests against this
>>> configuration versus XML Catalog based geoserver I really need to revert my
>>> catalog back to XML in GEOSERVER DAT DIR and probably share it using NFS.
>>> *Is their a method to export the Database Catalog (based on JDBCConfig)
>>> back to XML Catalog?*
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> <>
>>>  Virus-free.
>>> <>
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>> Regards,
>> Andrea Aime
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