Hey Jody,

Thanks for the update - I appreciate it!

I do appreciate the intent of the community modules.  As i'm not a
developer, they would have to be well documented and functional for me to
be able to use them.  I'm in need of JDBC, Hazelcast clustering and JMS
clustering.  I'm building this in docker and, historically, I had just
included a wget to the download in my dockerfile.  With the extended outage
of the community modules, i've come to realize how bad of an idea that was
- because i can't build.  Ha!

We actually have JDBC in prod, and have for years.    It's worked quite
well for us and we are just looking to change the way we cluster (current:
shared data directory, JDBC and then we wrote a function to call the REST
endpoint for reload).  We've just grown enough and have some functionality
in our app that require us to cluster better - meaning, not calling the
REST endpoint and reloading the catalog as much.  I have built both HZ and
JMS methods in Docker and on AWS.  I was thinking of writing a blog post on
my experiences with each (building, supporting and scaling).  It's
interesting to me that there doesn't seem to be an extension to enable
active clustering, only via the community modules.  Or am i just a newb and
missing something?

Through the exercise of building both HZ and JMS I found an issue with
JMS.  I can repeat it and have a work around, but will submit a JIRA ticket
once I'm able to rebuild my environment, so that I can provide more data
around the issue.  In short, if the JMS broker tries to connect to a remote
broker but can't, it will never work without a reboot.

Thanks for all the help and guidance Jody!


On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 9:36 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The build server is starting to be back online now, restoring community
> modules is not so much a priority (we have tests and making last months
> release as a higher priority). We are thinking days to weeks since this is
> an overhead no company specifically pays us for.  So far planet federal has
> been beating the brunt of the expense, I hope to help out next week
> restoring the release process.
> See notes here
> https://sourceforge.net/p/geoserver/mailman/geoserver-devel/thread/CAK_yckcH31uvOVngnKYcsQ%2BquiG%3DqZaAwwjCM_9LhOH72DrQRw%40mail.gmail.com/#msg36679517
> I wonder if we should make a blog post...
> The community modules are RND experiments, or in some cases components
> companies support their customers to use. The source code is being hosted
> by the project for collaboration and to invite volunteers or funding. The
> GeoServer PSC asks these modules pass open source checks and meet testing,
> documentation and support requirements before we are willing to distribute.
> Is there a specific community module you care about? I can show you how to
> look up the developer (in the pom.xml and git commit history) and they may
> be available for a contract, or if there enough interest on this list folks
> may be able to gather enough resources and volunteers to take the module to
> extension status.
> Please understand the business function of including community modules in
> our community rather than having them scattered all over GitHub.
> In no case is the GeoServer PSC ready to recommend these modules - we
> simply have not been asked to check them yet. Some very good modules remain
> in community status as it is hard to justify sharing due to lack of
> community interest (volunteering and resources). This conversation with you
> may be a chance to fix that :)
> On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 00:43 Jason Cradit <jasoncra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> First - i'm no developer, just an IT guy.  I'm curious when the community
>> modules might be back online as I'd like to get my hands on some.
>> I could certainly work to build them on my own, it's just semi foreign to
>> me.  If we are thinking days away, i'll just wait.  But if we think it'll
>> be more weeks, I'll take a swing at trying to build on my own.  Is the
>> readme here what i need?
>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/tree/master/src
>> If i do the "mvn clean install" will the outcome be a set of  jar files
>> that I can then go throw in my WEB-INF folder?  Or is there better
>> documentation I should be looking at?
>> Thanks for the guidance!
>> Jason
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> --
> Jody Garnett
Geoserver-users mailing list

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