I have had this when using Bicubic Raster interpolation.

It was solved, by this list, by setting the ExpandToRGB=true in the 
<name>_mosaic.properties file


> On 1 Mar 2021, at 13:02, Kylli Ek <kylli...@csc.fi <mailto:kylli...@csc.fi>> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Any idea what to check if some WMS images are sometimes partly randomly blue, 
> green, yellow, pink or red? See the attached images or here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lma4hzqp761y28m/Nimiarkisto-karttabugi.png?dl=0 
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/lma4hzqp761y28m/Nimiarkisto-karttabugi.png?dl=0>
> Sometimes the image is also partly black or totally empty.
> Exactly the same request sometimes gives correct image, sometimes has the 
> colorful extras.
> The layer is a mosaic layer with elevation and time. Nothing special in 
> style, only scale limitation. No coordinate transformation needed.
> Example request:
> https://paituli.csc.fi/geoserver/kotus/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&layers=kotus%3Anadigi2&styles=&format=image%2Fpng&transparent=true&version=1.1.0&elevation=1718&time=1750-1-1%2F2020-1-1&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG%3A3067&bbox=416032.0000000002,6782975.999999997,418080.00000000047,6785024
> <https://paituli.csc.fi/geoserver/kotus/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&layers=kotus%3Anadigi2&styles=&format=image%2Fpng&transparent=true&version=1.1.0&elevation=1718&time=1750-1-1%2F2020-1-1&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG%3A3067&bbox=416032.0000000002,6782975.999999997,418080.00000000047,6785024>
> Best regards,
> Kylli Ek
> GIS-coordinator
> CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd
> PL 405, 02101 Espoo
> Tel: +358 50 38 12 838
> gisco...@csc.fi
> <wms.png><wms2.png>_______________________________________________
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Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 

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