Hi Bart,
What I’m trying is to serve the correct complex feature for AirLinkSequence as 
WFS, containing an ordered list of AirRouteLink elements – see the following 

Featuretype AirLinkSequence (this is, what GS brings up as WFS:

According to the specification the element “net:DirectedLink” should be an 
ordered list of AirRouteLink elements (for this we have a sequence attribute in 
our base table).
Suppose the ordered list of AirRouteLink should be (according to our sequence 
attribute in the base table) AirRouteLink.715 - AirRouteLink.716 (and not as 
shown above), I need a possibility to bring the AirRouteLink in this order into 
the AirLinkSequence (and unfortunately there is no primary key, which I can 

Here is the AppSchema for interim dataType <net:DirectedLink> and the 
<tn-a:AirLinkSequence>. To my understanding the ordering should happen in the 
interim <net:DirectedLink>:

'true', Expression.NIL)</value>
 Expression.NIL, 'true')</value>
 Expression.NIL, 'true')</value>
                        <value>if_then_else(isNull(versionid), 'true', 

Hope that clarifies my problem and maybe somebody has a good solution ;-)
Thanks in advance!

Von: Bart Zwemmer | GIS Specialisten <b...@gisspecialisten.nl>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. März 2021 10:32
An: Gäbler Klaus <klaus.gaeb...@austrocontrol.at>; 
'geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net' <geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Betreff: RE: AppSchema: how to retrieve an ordered list in feature chaining

Dear Klaus,

I am not 100% clear on what you are doing. Is it a WFS request? In a WFS 
request, the SORTBY parameter is used to specify a list of property names whose 
values should be used to order (upon presentation) the set of feature instances 
that satisfy the query. The value of the SORTBY parameter shall have the form 
“PropertyName [A|D][,PropertyName [A|D],…]” where the letter A is used to 
indicate an ascending sort and the letter D is used to indicate a descending 
sort. In your case, the property would then be AirRouteLink, if I understand 
the question correctly.

Also, id AirRouteLink is your primary key, this is not exposed by default in a 
service. For that to happen, you need to check the box next to “expose primary 
key” in the datastore configuration.


Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Bart Zwemmer
Technical Manager [cid:image001.png@01D71FD9.ED2C59B0] 

M: +31(0)642 343 9111
E: b...@gisspecialisten.nl<mailto:b...@gisspecialisten.nl>

Geo-as-a-Service | 

From: Gäbler Klaus 
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 8:05 AM
To: 'geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net' 
Subject: [Geoserver-users] AppSchema: how to retrieve an ordered list in 
feature chaining

Dear all,
for Inspire we need to retrieve an ordered list of elements using feature 
chaining. Is there any possibility to do this in GS 2.18.2?
The relevant schema is Transport Network Air, the feature is AirRouteSequence 
which should contain an ordered list of AirRouteLink elements.
I’ve already ordered elements in my source table, but GS doesn’t bring that up 
in the AppSchema.
Any hints how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards
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